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例句 The reviewers did a hatchet job on her latest book. 评论家们对她的新作大加诋毁。Critics are raving about Sokurov's poetic new film.评论家们正在对索库罗夫充满诗情画意的电影新作大加夸赞。The critics heaped praises on her performance. = The critics sang the praises of her performance. = The critics sang her praises. 评论家对她的表演大加赞赏。He's the best-natured guy, so they often rib him plenty.他是个脾气极好的人,所以他们常对他大加戏弄。He was very sarcastic about my attempts at telling jokes.他对我试图讲笑话大加讥讽。Ned was growing lyrical in his praise for my new novel.内德对我新创作的小说大加赞美。I had read glowing reports of his work.我读过对他的作品大加褒奖的报道。Shakur loses his fragile grip on reality and starts blasting away at friends and foe alike.沙库尔丧失了对形势仅存的一点判断,无论对敌对友都开始大加挞伐。She was enthusing over my English essay, which I didn't think was very good.她对我的那篇英语文章大加赞赏,可是我却认为不是很好。After his first performance all the newspapers sang the praises of this new actor.首场演出之后,这名新演员受到各家报纸大加赞扬。Mr. Eves lit into him for supposed hypocrisy.伊夫斯先生认为他虚伪,对他大加痛斥。The New York Times has this very laudatory article about your retirement.《纽约时报》发文谈及你的隐退,文中对你大加赞扬。His new film exalts military power.他的新影片对军事力量大加吹捧。It's nice to receive a letter heaping praise on someone for a job well done, for a change.难得收到一封对某人工作大加赞扬的信,真高兴。Taylor eulogized about Steven's versatility.泰勒对史蒂文的多才多艺大加赞扬。Some critics gave him a caning over the TV play.一些评家就这部电视剧对他大加挞伐。He used his column to spout ill-informed criticism of the Scots rugby team.他根本不了解苏格兰橄榄球队,却在自己的专栏上对其大加抨击。Our guests said some very complimentary things about the meal I'd cooked.我们的客人对我做的饭菜大加赞赏了一番。Critics really slapped the play around.批评家们对那出戏大加苛责。They complimented my cooking.他们对我的厨艺大加赞美。Ramsey, who hosts a Christian radio show, is full of praise for the two new congressmen.拉姆齐,一个基督教电台节目的主持人,对两位新国会议员大加赞扬。Rob always showered me with compliments and made me feel special.罗布总对我大加赞赏,令我感觉与众不同。Various groups denigrated both candidates throughout the presidential campaign.不同群体在总统竞选中对两位候选人都大加诋毁。The other children made cruel gibes about her weight.其他孩子对她的体重大加嘲笑。Everything I've heard about your work has been highly complimentary.我听到别人谈论你的工作时都是对你大加赞扬。The Almeida Theatre's recent staging of the opera had critics foaming at the mouth.阿尔梅达剧院最近上演的歌剧招致评论家大加贬斥。The newspaper deserves a lot of credit for calling attention to the problem.这份报纸唤起了人们对这个问题的重视,值得大加赞扬。The satirists guyed the plans for a new opera house.讽刺家们对建造新歌剧院的计划大加嘲弄。All credit to her, she did it all herself.她值得大加赞赏,这都是她一个人完成的。Demonstrators greeted them with jeers.示威者对他们大加奚落。Wallis spoke glowingly about players like Chapman.沃利斯对查普曼这样的选手大加赞赏。He used to jump on me for every little mistake.他以前对我犯的每一个小错误都要大加斥责。Reviewers praised Tisler's performance.评论家对蒂斯勒的表演大加赞赏。She is modest and generous, lavishing praise on the musicians she has worked with.她谦虚、宽厚,对共事的乐师大加赞扬。The critics rhapsodized over her performance in 'Autumn Sonata'.评论家对于她在电影《秋日奏鸣曲》中的表演大加赞赏。He heaped lavish praise upon the organisers.他对组织者大加赞赏。To her great credit, she does not try to avoid the truth.她没有试图回避事实,这值得大加赞扬。Mrs Edwards was singing your praises today.爱德华兹太太今天对你大加赞扬。The New York Times has this very laudatory article about your retirement.《纽约时报》发表文章谈论你的退休,对你大加赞扬。He was formerly much eulogized by the press.他以前曾被报刊大加赞颂。




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