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词汇 外国
例句 Starved of foreign aid money, the country collapsed into war last year.由于缺少外国的资金援助,这个国家去年陷入了战争。The defence industry relies heavily on sales of weapons to foreign countries.国防工业严重依赖向外国出售武器。Recent US history has amply demonstrated the risks of foreign intervention.美国近代历史已经充分证明了外国干预的危险。My brother is a student overseas.我哥哥在外国留学。Working in a foreign country takes some getting used to.外国工作需要一段时间去适应。The Swiss wanted to discourage an inflow of foreign money.瑞士人想阻止外国资金流入。U.S. government specialists went through each page, blacking out any information a foreign intelligence expert could use.美国政府的专家们审查了每一页内容,涂掉了外国情报专家可能利用的任何信息。If you get any foreign stamps, could you save them for me? My nephew collects them.如果你有外国邮票,给我留着好吗?我侄子集邮。She identified with foreign teachers.她与外国教师打成一片。This country would never submit to living under the heel of a foreign power.这个国家决不会屈从于外国势力的控制。We're competing with foreign businesses.我们在和外国公司竞争。They offer every inducement to foreign businesses to invest in their states.他们为外国企业提供种种优厚条件,以吸引这些企业到他们所在的州投资。The name sounded foreign.听起来像个外国名字。Many treasures were brought back to Britain because its upper crust was wealthy and liked travelling abroad.大量财宝被带回英国,因为那里的上层社会成员很富有并且喜欢在外国游历。The government is eager to attract foreign capital.政府急切希望吸引外国资金。This was a foreign country, so unlike San Jose.这是外国,与圣何塞很不一样。Dubbed foreign language films will not be allowed to compete for best film.外国译制片不得参加最佳影片的角逐。American/foreign/local press美国/外国/当地新闻报道Castro speeded up his land reforms and began to nationalize foreign holdings in Cuba.卡斯特罗加速他的土地改革,并着手将古巴的外国拥有的财产收归国有。There are a lot of overseas students studying at our college.我们学院桥有许多外国留学生。Several foreign dignitaries attended the ceremony.几位外国要人出席了那个仪式。Foreign competitors offloaded their surplus on your shores at artificially low prices.外国竞争者以人为的低价把剩余物资向你们的各口岸倾销。In the realm of sculpture too, the technical skill of foreign artists was long recognised.在雕塑领域,外国艺术家的技艺也早已得到认可。Foreign aid workers have already begun winding down their operation.外国救援人员已开始逐步缩减救援活动。Please call now if you are interested in sponsoring a child.如果你对资助外国的孩子感兴趣请现在就拨打电话。He said he saw the bank's role as a catalyst to encourage foreign direct investment.他说,他认为银行就应该起到刺激外国直接投资的作用。I don't think this thing can pick up foreign stations.我认为这东西收听不了外国电台。The country has twice been occupied by foreign militaries.该国曾两度被外国军队占领。He's been swanning around foreign countries for the last six months.这六个月他一直在外国闲游。We will always resist foreign intervention in our country.我们会永远抵制外国对我国的干涉。There are a few formalities to be gone through before you enter a foreign country.在进入外国前要办理一些手续。The landlady won't look at foreigners.房东太太不愿接纳外国房客。We share an affinity for foreign films. 我们都喜欢外国电影。Living in a divided city crammed with foreign soldiers is not a matter we joke about.住在一个已经四分五裂而且到处是外国士兵的城市里,不是一件开玩笑的事。Businesses may only hire foreign workers where an American cannot be found.在找不到美国人的情况下企业才可以雇用外国工人。She was very useful in dealing with foreign visitors.她很善于同外国访客打交道。They dump their surplus production on foreign countries.他们向外国倾销剩余产品。Economic advisers in Washington have been discussing whether to downgrade foreign loans.华盛顿的经济顾问在讨论是否减少对外国的贷款。How does their product stack up against those imported from foreign countries?他们的产品与从外国进口的产品相比如何? Most of the foreign embassies are clustered in this area.大多数的外国使馆都聚集在这一区。




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