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词汇 埃尔
例句 Elwood stole the show with a marvellous performance.埃尔伍德的表演极为出色,抢足了风头。Eldridge was a quiet man who disliked social occasions.埃尔德里奇爱静,不喜欢社交活动。El Cid's actual existence is not in doubt.民族英雄埃尔•熙德的确存在,这毫无疑问。Elsie was so frightened that she couldn't move.埃尔茜被惊吓得无法动弹。Elsie, who had been told that Maria wasn't well, plied her with food.埃尔茜得知玛丽亚身体不适,就不停地给她弄吃的。Mount Elgon straddles the border between Kenya and Uganda.埃尔贡山跨越肯尼亚和乌干达两国的边境。Elsie acquired a good knowledge of Chinese.埃尔茜汉语学得很好。Elsie had never seen a grown man cry before.埃尔茜以前从没见过一个成年男子哭。Despite her eighty years, Elsie was full of vitality.尽管已八十岁了,埃尔茜依然充满活力。Our cat, Elsie, just had a litter of six kittens.我们那只叫埃尔茜的猫刚生下一窝六只小猫。Elsie called to inquire after my health.埃尔茜打来电话问我身体如何。Elsie muttered something I couldn't catch and walked off.埃尔茜嘟嘟囔囔地说一些我听不清的话,然后就走开了。Elsie had a large body and a podgy face.埃尔茜块头挺大,却长着一个胖鼓鼓的小脸蛋。He lies in an unmarked grave at Elmton.他长眠在埃尔姆顿一处无名冢下。The Elfin Theatre Company was doomed to failure from the word go.埃尔芬剧团从一开始就注定搞不好。He is strongly influenced by Spanish painters such as Goya and El Greco.他深受戈雅、埃尔·格列柯等西班牙画家的影响。He was kidnapped by vigilantes in El Centro, beaten and robbed, and then set on fire.他在埃尔森特罗被治安维持会成员绑架,遭到殴打和抢劫后被放火烧死。The show, hosted by journalist Robert Elms, features movie stars and singers.由新闻记者罗伯特·埃尔姆斯主持的这个节目专门报道电影明星和歌星的消息。Some of Spain's most valuable art treasures are housed in El Prado.西班牙一些最有价值的艺术珍品被收藏在埃尔普拉多博物馆里。He laments that people in Villa El Salvador are suspicious of the police.他哀叹埃尔萨尔瓦多镇的居民居然不信任警方。Elsie had to leave her job to care for her sick father.埃尔茜只得辞去工作照顾生病的父亲。Danielle uncrossed her legs and stood up.达尼埃尔放下交叉着的双腿,站了起来。He nearly drove Elsie mad with his fussing.他的大惊小怪快要把埃尔茜逼疯了。Elmley is one of the few wild areas remaining in the South East.埃尔姆利是东南部仅存的几块荒地之一。




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