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词汇 地步
例句 The political situation in the country has deteriorated beyond all hope.这个国家的政治局势糟糕到了不可救药的地步He was abrupt to the point of rudeness.他的唐突已到了无礼的地步He felt the press inquisitorial to the point of antagonism.他觉得报界对他的多方追问达到了敌视的地步They were angry to the point of erupting into riot.他们气愤得快到了发生骚乱的地步They were both unconventional to the point of eccentricity.他们俩都标新立异,到了古怪的地步His eccentricity now extends to never washing or changing his clothes.他的怪癖现在发展到了从不换洗衣服的地步了。He wouldn't sink as low as that.他不会堕落到那样卑鄙的地步The driver of that taxi-cab seemed to me familiar to the point of impertinence.我觉得那个出租车司机太过随便,简直到了失礼的地步The book tells of the boys’ rapid descent into savagery, and the use of torture and terror.本书讲述这些男孩子很快堕落到野蛮的地步,并使用拷打和恐怖手段。He's diffident to the point of sheepishness.他羞怯到了唯唯诺诺的地步Things can't be that bad.情况不会糟到那个地步The decoration has reached an extravagant degree of elaboration.那装潢已精致到了奢华的地步I agree things look difficult, but the situation is far from irretrievable.我承认情况看起来不妙,但局势还远远没到无法挽救的地步Their actions were beginning to look irresponsible to the point of giddiness.他们的行为开始变得不负责任,甚至到了轻率的地步I've reached the stage where I just don't care any more.我已经到了什么也不再在乎的地步了。I can't love him any more than I do.我爱他爱到了无以复加的地步The cost would be truly mind-boggling.成本会高到完全不可思议的地步I did get to where I wasn't terrified.我确实达到了不害怕的地步Her injuries were not serious enough to require hospitalization.她的伤势还没严重到需要住院治疗的地步The kids had worked themselves up to a fever pitch of excitement.这些孩子到了异常激动的地步The police went to the extremes of installing the most advanced safety devices in the man's house.警察们极端到在那个人家里安装最为先进的安全装置的地步The countryside was depopulating to the point of desolation.农村人口已经减少到荒无人烟的地步了。Over the years the church has fallen into a state of neglect.多年来这座教堂已沦落到无人照管的地步The Nobel prize crowned his career as an author.获得诺贝尔奖使他的写作生涯达到了登峰造极的地步They have come to reject the traditional notion of womanhood.他们已经到了反对有关妇女的传统观念的地步His artistry has reached its plenitude.他的艺术技巧已达到炉火纯青的地步They are being pushed/driven to ridiculous extremes. 他们正被迫做大量的工作,多到匪夷所思的地步Baseball is my love, my obsession if you will. 我非常喜欢棒球,可以说,已经到了痴迷的地步The process of political change in South Africa has reached the stage where it is irreversible.南非的政治变革已达到不可逆转的地步How could you be such a stupid fool?你怎么会笨到这个地步Their relationship has deteriorated to the point of open hostility.他们的关系已经恶化到公开敌对的地步Their stocks of ammunition were running dangerously low.他们的弹药储备已经少到很危险的地步I've known clients of mine go to absurd lengths to avoid paying me a few pounds.我知道有的客户想尽办法不付我几英镑,简直到了可笑的地步His depression had reached rock bottom.他已沮丧到无以复加的地步In many instances people were left without any money at all.在很多情况下,人们会落到身无分文的地步He is sick, but he's not at death's door.他生病了,不过还没到病危的地步She's not so pretty anyone would want to ruin her.她并没有标致到谁都想引诱她失身的地步The incident graphically illustrates just how dangerous the situation in the war zone has become.这起事件清楚表明交战地区的局势已经到了多么危险的地步It got to the point where he had to leave.事情发展到了他不得不离开的地步He has reached the point where nothing seems to matter anymore.他已经到了一切都似乎无所谓的地步




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