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词汇 在水上
例句 The mill's undershot wheel made a regular thundering sound as the blades struck the water.叶片打在水上,水车的下射式水轮发出有节奏的巨响。Two balloonists had to ditch during the race.两名乘气球飞行者在比赛中被迫在水上紧急降落。Cork is light and buoyant.软木质轻,可浮在水上His children loved to paddle a canoe through the waters.他的孩子喜欢在水上划独木舟。You can land a plane on water in an emergency.紧急情况下飞机可以迫降在水上The boat's sail cast a shadow on the water.船帆在水上投下倒影。Ice is less dense than water, which is why it floats.冰的密度小于水,所以会浮在水上Annie was floating on her back in the water.安妮脸朝上地浮在水上The smaller boat was lighter and rode higher in the water.那条较小的船比较轻,在水上浮得也较高。The body floated on its back, bobbing against the riverbank.尸体仰面浮在水上,轻轻碰撞着河岸。Sound carries best over water.声音在水上传得最远。Do you think the cork will float or sink?你认为这个软木塞会浮在水上还是会沉下去呢?




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