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词汇 在大学里
例句 At college she engaged in various sports.在大学里参加了各种体育运动。She made a bad showing in high school but did better in college.她在中学里表现不好,但在大学里有所改进。They first met at university and later fell in love.他们在大学里初次相遇,后来相爱。Granston is a graphic artist who now teaches visual arts and journalism at the college.格兰斯通是平面造型艺术家,目前他在大学里教授视觉艺术和新闻学。Val got in with a wild set at college.瓦尔在大学里结交了一帮放荡的人。I did a lot of drugs when I was at university.在大学里曾大量服用过毒品。He has lived an easy life in college for the last few years.他最近几年一直在大学里过着轻松的日子。Her time at college was the most eventful period of her life.在大学里的那些日子是她一生中最丰富多彩的一段时光。We give students the skills they need in order to achieve in college.我们教给学生必要技巧,使他们在大学里取得好成绩。They were trying to stir up trouble at the university.他们想在大学里闹事。He stayed on at college for an extra year to do a Master's degree.在大学里多待了一年攻读硕士学位。She got a job teaching at the university after earning her doctorate. 获得博士学位后,她在大学里得到了一份教书的工作。She studied forestry in college.在大学里学习了林学。The actual practice of medicine can be very different from what students have learnt at university.实际的医学工作和学生们在大学里学习的内容可能会差别很大。He studied town planning at college.在大学里学的是城镇规划。Pat spent most of his time at college going to parties and living it up.帕特在大学里大部分时间都在参加聚会,尽情享乐。At university the onus is on you to work hard - no one is going to force you.在大学里用功学习是你的责任—没有人会强迫你。We met in college.我们是在大学里认识的。I studied modern European history at college.在大学里学的是欧洲现代史。At university he affected an upper-class accent.在大学里他拿腔捏调假装上流社会口音。New teachers often find the practicalities of teaching very different from the theories they learned in college.新老师常常发现实际教学情况和他们在大学里学的理论有很大差异。This is my last semester in college.这是我在大学里的最后一个学期。He married a vivacious girl called Sarah who he met at university.他娶了个活泼可爱的姑娘,名叫萨拉,是他在大学里认识的。You get to know lots of people at college if you're a good mixer.如果你善于交际,在大学里会认识许多人。He studied film in college.在大学里学习电影制作。You'll make a lot of new friends at college.在大学里将结交许多新的朋友。He studied oil painting in college.在大学里学习油画。He met his future wife at college.在大学里遇到了他后来的妻子。Mother said they'd met at university.母亲说他们是在大学里认识的。He is studying mechanics at college.在大学里学机械学。The most important thing for a student to find out in college is what really turns them on.学生在大学里最重要的事就是弄明白自己真正感兴趣的是什么。He was a professor in name only, and did no work at the university.他只是个挂名教授,不在大学里工作。 The course that people choose to do at university can have ramifications for the rest of their lives.人们在大学里所选的课程对其以后一生的影响可以很大。I wish to furbish up the French I learned at college.我想重温一下我在大学里学过的法语。As far as I recall, she first met him at university.我记得她是在大学里第一次遇到他的。At university, Taylor had fallen in with a small clique of literature students.在大学里,泰勒曾经频繁参与一个文学小团体的活动。Most are recruited from the ranks of people who studied Latin and Greek at university.大多数人是从在大学里修读拉丁文和希腊语的人中招来的。He describes his drug use in college as just a youthful indiscretion. 他把自己在大学里吸毒轻描淡写地说成是年轻人犯的小错。She studied classics in college.在大学里学习古典学。I think she'll be more comfortable at college now that she's through her first semester. 既然她已过完了第一个学期,我想她之后在大学里会更加适应。




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