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词汇 在台阶上
例句 Vic stumbled over the step as he came in.维克进来时在台阶上绊了一下。The girls were sitting on the steps, chatting.女孩子们坐在台阶上闲聊。She caught her heel and tripped on the step.她脚跟绊了一下,在台阶上打了个趔趄。She could hear his football boots grating on the steps.她听到他的足球鞋在台阶上发出的嘎吱声。He sat on the steps, and laced up his boots.他坐在台阶上系紧靴子。I barked my shin against the step.在台阶上蹭破了胫部。A man walked in off the street, tripped over a step and fell flat on his face.一个男人从街上走了进来,在台阶上绊了一下,扑通一声摔趴下了。I dumped my heavy suitcase down on the doorstep.我把沉重的手提箱胡乱放在台阶上They saw the corpse sprawled on the steps.他们看到那具尸体四肢伸开躺在台阶上Old women in large conical hats and Vietnamese clothing sit on the steps.头戴大锥形帽、身穿越南服装的老年妇女坐在台阶上My knees gave way and I dropped down on the steps.我两膝一软,便倒在台阶上The ambassador waited on the steps to see the visiting dignitaries in.大使在台阶上恭候着来访的贵宾。Mrs Franz sat on the step, shelling peas with her wrinkled old hands.弗朗兹太太坐在台阶上,用她那布满皱纹的苍老的双手剥着豆子。




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