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例句 In a head-on crash, the front of the car concertinas to absorb the impact.在发生迎面相撞时,车的前部会被撞瘪以吸收冲击力。He was prescient of the outcome of the jailbreak before it took place.在发生之前,他对劫狱的结果已有先见之明。Police cordoned off the street where the murder took place.警察在发生谋杀案的街上设置了警戒线。In times of currency crisis interest rates can be raised as a sign that a government is in command.在发生货币危机的时期,利率会提高,以表明政府有控制力。The police are attempting to retrace his movements on the night of the robbery.警方正在试图找出他在发生抢劫的当晚的行踪。Would you know what to do in an emergency situation?你想知道在发生紧急情况时该怎么做吗?There are reports that round ups of westerners are still taking place.据报道,强行将西方人驱集到一起的事件仍在发生There was definitely something fishy going on.肯定当时有什么可疑的事在发生We change subtly all the time.我们每时每刻都在发生细微的变化。This is happening in every school throughout the country.全国各地每所学校都在发生这样的事情。After what happened last time, I was extra careful not to make the same mistakes.在发生上次的事情之后,我格外小心以免犯同样的错误。The government imposed a state of emergency after the failed coup d'état.政府在发生流产政变后宣布进入紧急状态。Global growth rates are diverging markedly.世界各地的增长率在发生明显的分化。I sat outside the interview room and wondered what was going on inside.我坐在面试室的外面,不知道里面在发生什么事。




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