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例句 Children shouldn't be stigmatized because their parents aren't married.孩子们不应当因其父母未婚而受到羞辱。The organization is criticized for its surly service and stone-age software.这家机构因其恶劣的服务态度和落伍的软件系统而受到批评。I bought these shoes for their practicality, not their appearance.我买这双鞋是因其实用而并非其样式。He's admired for his comic/artistic/scientific genius.因其喜剧/艺术/科学天赋而受到赞赏。The hospital is proud of its attentive staff.那家医院因其员工的周到服务而感到自豪。The United States has taken a lot of criticism for its hard-line stance.美国因其强硬立场遭到众多非议。The council was slammed for its unfair selection procedure.委员会因其不公正的选拔程序而受到猛烈抨击。This building should be preserved because of its historical significance.这栋建筑因其历史意义应被保护。Oxford is famous for its university.牛津因其大学而闻名。Nero was well enough rewarded for his crimes.尼禄皇帝因其所犯罪行已得到相当充分的惩罚。The town is notorious for its casinos.这个城市因其众多的赌场而远近皆知。The village is famous for its pottery, which is open to the public.这个村庄因其制陶厂而闻名,而且该厂对外开放。The school is noted for its academic excellence.这所学校因其学生成绩优秀而闻名。The prime minister triumphed, but it was seen as a pyrrhic victory with its costly union concessions.首相虽然胜利了,却被认为是惨胜,因其对工会作出了极大的让步。The woman was executed for her perfidy.这名妇女因其不忠贞行为被处决。The plant is distinguishable by its oddly shaped leaves.这种植物因其奇形怪状的叶子极易辨别。People should not be stigmatized on the basis of race.人们不应因其种族而受到侮辱。The governor took a hammering from the media for his decision.州长因其决定遭到媒体严厉抨击。She has always had a high reputation for her excellent short stories.她一直因其优秀的短篇小说享有很高的声望。They won plaudits and prizes for their accomplished films.他们因其高水准的电影赢得了赞扬和奖项。The volunteers were fortified by their patriotic belief.志愿者们因其爱国信念而变得坚强。The government came under fierce criticism for its policies.政府因其政策受到猛烈批评。The restaurant was awarded four stars for excellence.这家餐厅因其优秀品质被定为四星级餐厅。The mayor was pilloried by the press for his comments.市长因其评论而受到媒体抨击。The news programme prided itself on its balanced reporting.该新闻节目因其报道立场不偏不倚而引以为豪。The city is famous for its nightlife.这座城市因其夜生活而闻名。Zanuso was famed for the style he brought to such everyday objects as bathroom scales and televisions.扎努索因其对浴室秤、电视等日常物品的设计风格而享有盛名。The university is known nationally and internationally for its writing program.这所大学因其写作课程而闻名国内外。Duncan Campbell is nationally known for his investigative work.邓肯·坎贝尔因其调查工作闻名全国。There are remissions for prisoners' good conduct and other concessions.对囚犯因其表现良好可施以赦免和其他宽待。His work is acclaimed for its complexity and originality.他的作品因其复杂性和原创性而备受称赞。Some EU governments will balk at the huge sums involved.一些欧盟国家政府会因其中所涉及的巨额款项而退缩。He won an Oscar for his role.因其扮演的角色而获得了奥斯卡奖。The government has been criticized for its warlike attitude/statements.政府因其挑衅的态度/声明遭到了批评。The school has won awards for its pioneering work with the community.这所学校因其在社区所做的开创性工作而获奖。He was awarded a patent for his invention.因其发明被授予专利。Hungary and Poland have suffered before because of their unfortunate geopolitical position on the European map.匈牙利和波兰因其在欧洲地图上的极为不利的地缘政治位置而备受磨难。She gained notoriety when nude photographs of her appeared in a magazine.因其裸照刊登在杂志上而声名狼藉。The United States has taken a lot of criticism for its hard-line stance.美国因其强硬立场而备受批评。The team also won praise for sportsmanship and fair play.该队还因其良好的体育精神及公平竞争精神而受到了表扬。




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