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词汇 carelessly
例句 He gathered up the bills and stuffed them carelessly into his pocket.他收拾好账单,然后随随便便地塞进了口袋。The coach really laid into us for playing so carelessly.因为我们比赛时很不认真,教练着实痛斥了我们一顿。The fire is believed to have been started by a carelessly discarded cigarette.据信,这场大火是由一个随手丢弃的烟头引发的。I carelessly knocked the vase against the wall and broke it.我不小心把花瓶碰在墙上打碎了。Cigarettes thrown carelessly from cars can cause forest fires.随便往车外扔烟蒂会引起森林火灾。He copied the text carelessly so that it was corrupted.他抄写原文时很粗心,以致出现讹误。The fire was started by a carelessly tossed cigarette.这场火是由一个随手扔下的烟蒂引起的。His tools were scattered about carelessly.他的工具四处乱扔。She carelessly left the stove on.她粗心大意,忘了关炉火。He watched as Boylan carelessly dropped some ice into the glasses.他看着博伊兰漫不经心地往杯子里丢了一些冰块。She opened the bottle quickly and carelessly, breaking the cork.她打开瓶子,动作快而马虎,把瓶塞弄破了。His jacket was carelessly slung over one shoulder.他的夹克衫很随意地搭在肩上。Incidentally, these products can be dangerous if used carelessly.顺便提一下,这些产品如果使用不慎会很危险。She carelessly deposed costly trinkets on the table.她把贵重小首饰随手丢在桌上。The fire is believed to have been started by a carelessly discarded cigarette.据信,这场火灾是一个随意丢弃的香烟头引起的。He carelessly left the garage door unlocked.他太粗心大意,竟然没锁车库的门。She carelessly banged out a few melodies on the piano.她漫不经心地用钢琴演奏了几首曲子。Jane landed on Tom for dressing carelessly.珍因汤姆衣冠不整而责骂他。His tools were scattered around carelessly.他的工具随处乱放。Mary landed on Robert for dressing carelessly.玛丽因罗伯特衣冠不整而责骂他。He answered carelessly and flippantly.他回答得非常随便。Gardening tools can be hazardous if carelessly handled.如若使用不慎,园艺工具也会有危险。The fire was started when a passing motorist carelessly tossed a cigarette out of his car.一个过路的司机随手把烟扔出车外,引起了这次火灾。He stuffed the letter carelessly into his pocket.他随随便便地把信往口袋里一塞。




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