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词汇 听厌
例句 I'm tired of listening to your jive.你那些胡言乱语我听厌了。I'm sick of your stupid remarks.你的那些蠢话我已经听厌了。I'm fed up with your snide remarks.找已经听厌了你这些挖苦的话。I'm sick of listening to all their moans and gripes.听厌了他们的抱怨和牢骚。I'm sick and tired of your excuses.你的借口我都听厌了。I'm tired of listening to his excuses.听厌了他找的种种理由。I'm tired of his stock reply.我已听厌了他老一套的回答。The bank is clearly fed up with the constant jibe that it has no clear management strategy.银行显然已经听厌了那些嘲讽其缺乏明确管理策略的风凉话。Oh shut up Bill, I'm tired of listening to your excuses.噢,比尔你给我闭嘴,你那些借口我已经听厌了。We tired of the vacuity of their conversation.我们听厌了他们那种无聊的谈话。I'm tired of your stupid conversation.你愚蠢的谈话我听厌了。




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