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例句 The funds are earmarked to help pay for the cathedral's renovation.这笔资金被指定用于该教堂的修缮。Dawson was earmarked as Reiner's successor as District Attorney.道森被指定为地区检察官赖纳的接班人。He was the youngest musician in Australia to be appointed a principal in an ABC orchestra.他是被指定担任澳大利亚广播公司旗下一家乐团的首席演奏家的最年轻的澳大利亚音乐家。She has been appointed as his successor.她已被指定为他的接班人。He had been earmarked as a potential leader.被指定为未来的领袖。Some steel plants were earmarked for closing.有几家钢铁厂被指定关闭。Some of the rooms were designated as offices.其中一些房间被指定用作办公室。Some funds are earmarked for anti-drug programmes.一些拨款被指定专用于禁毒项目。He was appointed a trustee of the estate until the heir was old enough to manage it himself.被指定为财产受托人,直到继承人到达能自己管理财产的年龄为止。The building has been ticketed for renovations.这座建筑已经被指定要翻新。The old building has been earmarked for demolition.这栋旧楼已被指定拆除。The Department was appointed as the child's legal custodian.该部门被指定为这个孩子的法定监护人。Some of the money has been earmarked to pay for the re-settlement of people from contaminated areas.部分经费被指定用于受污染区域群众的重新安置。Mr. Smith was tapped for police commissioner.史密斯先生被指定为警察局长。After his parents died, the boy's uncle was appointed as his guardian.父母双亡之后,这个男孩的叔叔被指定为他的监护人。The prince was too young when the king died, so his uncle was appointed regent.国王死时,王子太小,所以王叔被指定为摄政王。I understand Coca-Cola are to be named as the new sponsors of the League Cup later this week.我知道可口可乐公司将在本周晚些时候被指定为联赛杯的新赞助商。A committee was appointed to consider the plans.一个委员会被指定去研究这些计划。Some of the money has been earmarked to pay for the resettlement of people from contaminated areas.部分经费被指定用于受污染区域群众的重新安置。They were named as trustees to the child's estate.他们被指定为这个孩子的财产受托人。We were assigned to the second sitting.我们被指定在第二批就餐。The lake was recently designated a conservation area.这座湖最近被指定为保护区。Three of the army bases have been ticketed for closure.有三个军事基地已被指定关闭。She was named as a possible replacement for the head of sales.被指定为销售部经理的可能接班人。After the death of her parents, her uncle was appointed as her legal guardian.父母去世后,她的叔叔被指定为她的合法监护人。On the death of Leo there were two main candidates for nomination as his replacement.利奥去世后,有两个主要候选人被指定来接替他。




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