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词汇 被指控
例句 The President was accused of cooking the evidence and lying to the public.总统被指控篡改证据并向公众撒谎。They were accused of spying for a foreign government.他们被指控充当外国政府的间谍。They were accused of supplying arms to the rebels.他们被指控向叛乱分子提供军火。He has been accused of misapplying public funds.他已被指控滥用公共基金。Supermarkets are accused of squeezing both customers and suppliers.超市被指控挤压顾客和供应商。She was accused of disclosing confidential material to a competitor.被指控向竞争对手泄露机密。He was accused of acting as a carrier for drug pushers.被指控为一些毒贩运毒。A former Finance Minister and five senior civil servants are accused of fraud.一名前财政大臣和五名高级公务员被指控诈骗。He has been accused of inciting racial hatred.被指控煽动种族仇恨。He was charged with wire fraud.被指控犯电子诈骗罪。She was charged with fraud, but her lawyer managed to get her off.被指控诈骗,但是她的律师设法使她免受惩罚。He is accused of theft from his employer.被指控盗窃他的雇主。He's accused of having had sexual encounters with several young women.被指控与几个年轻女子有过性接触。He was charged with careless driving and failing to report an accident.被指控粗心驾驶并且未对事故报案。He was arrested and charged with rape.他被捕并被指控犯有强奸罪。She was accused of sheltering a murderer.被指控隐匿凶手。He was accused of mooning in one of Faliraki's main streets.被指控在法里拉基的一条大街上向路人露屁股。They were accused of deliberately starving the prisoners.他们被指控故意让囚犯挨饿。The university has been accused of sexism because it has so few women professors.这所大学被指控存在性别歧视,因为女教授极少。Pretrial hearings on kidnap charges against them took place last month.关于他们被指控绑架一案的预审于上月进行。He was accused of prostituting his beautiful daughters.被指控迫使自己几个美丽的女儿卖淫。He was accused of killing his mistress.被指控杀害情妇。Gibbons has been charged with murder.吉本斯被指控谋杀。Those responsible for offences connected with vice, gaming and drugs should be deported on conviction.那些被指控与卖淫、赌博和吸毒有关的人一旦罪名成立就应该被驱逐出境。She was charged with being an accessory after the fact. 被指控为事后从犯。They were accused of spying on a rival company.他们被指控刺探公司竞争对手的情报。She was charged with having misled her stockholders.被指控误导股东。The three soldiers are accused of killing the woman after a night of heavy drinking.那三名士兵被指控在整晚酗酒之后杀死这名妇女。A police officer was accused of helping a drug gang eliminate rivals.一名警察被指控帮助一个贩毒黑帮铲平敌对帮派。He has been charged with membership of an illegal organization.被指控参加了一个非法组织。As a churchman, he was accused of interfering in politics.被指控身为神职人员干预政治。He's accused of selling stolen goods.被指控出售赃物。He was accused of being in the pay of gangsters.被指控被歹徒收买。She was charged with a misdemeanour, that of carrying a concealed weapon.被指控犯有身上藏有武器的轻罪。He was jailed for five years as an alleged British spy.被指控为英国间谍而入狱五年。He was charged with the lesser crime of possession.他以较轻的非法持有罪被指控He was charged with illegally procuring young women for wealthy clients.被指控非法组织年轻女子向有钱人卖淫。They have been charged with supplying arms to the guerrillas.他们被指控向游击队提供军火。Taylor is alleged to have used public money to buy expensive presents for her friends.泰勒被指控利用公款给朋友购买昂贵的礼物。Barratt is charged with extortion and murder.巴勒特被指控犯有勒索罪和谋杀罪。




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