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词汇 史蒂夫
例句 Steve passed out on the floor and woke up blinded and in severe pain.史蒂夫昏倒在地板上,醒来后什么也看不见了,还感到剧烈的疼痛。Steve borrowed his dad's sports car to impress his girlfriend.史蒂夫借来他爸爸的跑车向女友炫耀。Steve stopped him with a wave of the hand.史蒂夫摆摆手让他停下来了。Steve was out for the count, so I answered the phone.史蒂夫睡得很熟,所以是我接的电话。Steve and I managed to escape unharmed.我和史蒂夫设法平安逃走了。Steve can solve anything - the man's a genius.史蒂夫能解决一切——此人是个天才。Steve won the poker game with a full house.史蒂夫以一手满堂红赢了这把牌。Steve was off work for a week after he shut his hand in the car door.史蒂夫的手被车门夹伤后,他一个星期没有上班。Steve was wearing a red silk shirt that didn't suit him at all.史蒂夫穿了一件红色的真丝衬衫,一点也不适合他。Steve barely said a handful of words during the first half hour.史蒂夫在前半小时里没说几句话。I hear poor old Steve broke his ankle.我听说可怜的老史蒂夫脚踝骨折了。The next morning, Steve hit me with the truth.第二天早晨,史蒂夫把真相告诉了我。She had the gall to suggest that I might supply her with information about what Steve was doing.她竟然厚颜无耻地说或许我可以向她透露一些史蒂夫正在做的事。Steve plonked himself down on a seat and stayed motionless as the bus moved away.史蒂夫一屁股坐在位子上,公共汽车开动起来时他一动都不动。Steve pocketed the extra change without saying anything.史蒂夫一句话没说,将多余的零钱装进了衣袋。I don't know who'll get the job – it's a toss-up between Carl and Steve.我不知道谁会得到这份工作 — 卡尔和史蒂夫两人都有机会。This stinginess with money was one aspect of Steve's character that I didn't like.史蒂夫对金钱很吝啬,他性格中的这一点我不喜欢。Whatever happened to Steve? I haven't seen him for years.史蒂夫哪里去了? 我已经好久没见他了。Could you undress the kids for bed, Steve?史蒂夫,你给孩子们脱衣服准备睡觉好吗?I told Steve I'm not interested, but he keeps asking me out - he won't take no for an answer.我已经告诉史蒂夫我没兴趣,可他还是不断请我出去——他就是不接受别人说“不”字。The security police monitored all of Steve's phone calls.秘密警察监听史蒂夫的所有电话通话。Steve lives next to a lake, so we'll be able to go swimming.史蒂夫住在湖边,所以我们可以去游泳。Steve was intensely curious about the world I came from.史蒂夫非常想了解我以前生活的那个世界。Let's hire a car for the weekend and go and visit Jenny and Steve.周末我们租辆车去看看珍妮和史蒂夫吧。Steve has disappeared off the face of the earth.史蒂夫消失得无影无踪。John, I'm sorry for Steve, but I think you've made the right decisions.约翰,我为史蒂夫感到难过,但是我想你的决定是正确的。She wasn't in love with Steve, she was obsessed by him physically.她并不爱史蒂夫,只是被他的外表迷住了。It happened, whether by accident or design, that Steve and I were the last two people to leave.不知是偶然还是事先安排,史蒂夫和我是最后离开的两个人。Steve shouted at her. He was really worked up now.史蒂夫冲她大喊大叫,他现在是真生气了。I think Steve managed to bum a lift home.我想史蒂夫是硬要搭人家的车回家的。Steve didn't have the benefit of a formal college education.史蒂夫没能接受正规的大学教育。Steve just announced he was leaving, but the coach has already started looking around for a replacement.史蒂夫刚宣布他要走,教练就已经开始到处找接替他的人了。Dad, this is my friend Steve.爸爸,这是我的朋友史蒂夫That jammy devil Steve has got out of the washing up again.史蒂夫这个幸运儿又不用洗碗了。I don't know who'll get the job. I guess it's a toss-up between Carl and Steve.我不知道谁会得到那份工作,猜想卡尔和史蒂夫的机会不相上下。It was unlucky for Steve that the teacher walked in just at that moment.史蒂夫真倒霉,老师碰巧在那个时候走了进来。Steve and I worked frenetically to ensure that everything would go smoothly.我和史蒂夫发狂似的忙碌以保证一切顺利进行。Steve had told her that he'd been in an accident on Wednesday night.史蒂夫已经告诉过她自己周三晚上出了事故。When Steve cut up rough, she realized she'd gone too far.史蒂夫大发脾气时,她才意识到自己做得太过分了。Steve and I were at very different stages in our respective careers.史蒂夫和我在各自的职业生涯中处于迥然不同的阶段。




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