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The changes to the campus were surprising.校园里的变化令人惊讶。There is talk of raising the admission requirements to restrict the number of students on campus.有传闻称将通过提高录取条件来限制在校学生的数目。Police are investigating a spate of muggings that took place on the campus last week.警方正在调查上周在校园里接连发生的多起行凶抢劫事件。The free information day will offer visitors the chance to tour the campus.来访者在免费咨询日有机会逛一逛校园。The whole campus was in ferment.整个校园处于骚动状态。In college, she lived in a house off campus with five housemates.上大学时,她和另外五人合住在校外的一所房子里。The Engineering department is on the main campus.工程系在主校区。Do you like campus life?你喜欢学校生活吗? How do you like living on campus? 你喜欢住校吗?The play'll continue onstage at the school campus.该剧将在校园内继续演出。There don't seem to be many people on campus today.今天校园里的人似乎不多。She was intimidated by the size of the campus.看到校园这么大,她吓了一跳。The questionnaire asks students how they feel about services on campus.问卷要求学生说出对校园服务的意见。We walked around the campus on our first day.入学第一天我们在校园里转了转。There was racial tension on campus.校园里种族关系很紧张。The university does not permit distribution of leaflets on campus.这所大学不允许在校园内发放传单。We found an apartment convenient to campus and public transportation.我们找到了一套离校园近、公共交通便捷的公寓。They found us a house close to the campus, which suited us very well.他们在校园附近给我们找了一所房子,非常适合我们居住。The campus has several dining commons.校园里有几个公共食堂。The brochure described the library as the focal point of learning on the campus.这本小册子把图书馆形容为校园学习的中心。Visitors crowded the campus on graduation day.毕业典礼那天,校园里挤满了来宾。They planted new trees on the campus.他们在校园里种上新树苗。Many visitors were on the campus for graduation.许多客人来校参加毕业典礼。When a freshman is campused, he is not actually confined to the campus but merely deprived of some privilege or other.当我们说大学一年级生在校园里受到限制,这并不是说他真是被禁闭在校园内,而只是指他被剥夺了某些权利。The college failed to provide adequate security on campus after dark.这所大学校园夜间的安保措施不够到位。The university refused to let Dick Gregory speak on campus.这所大学不让迪克·格雷戈里在校园里发表演说。The campus is linked by regular bus services to Coventry.校园与考文垂之间由班车连接起来。I'd like to visit the campus once more before we leave.我想在我们离开之前再去参观一下大学。Several hundred students gathered on campus.几百名学生聚集在校园里。There's an Olympic-sized swimming pool on campus.校园里有一个具有奥运会规模的游泳池。They are asked to live on campus.校方要求他们住校。Some students live on the University campus.有些学生住在大学校园里。They lived together in a mixed household on the fringe of a campus.他们一起住在校园边上一处男女合租的房子里。Ron's going to Tufts University next week for an interview and a tour of the campus.罗恩下个星期要去塔夫茨大学面试,并参观一下校园。The college campus is its own little universe. 大学校园本身就是个小世界。An anarchic fervour gripped the campus.一阵无政府主义的狂热笼罩着校园。From what I hear, half the campus is lusting after her.从我听到的来看,半个学校的人都想和她上床。The university campus is like a self-contained city with shops and all amenities.大学校园就像一座独立自足的城市,有商店和一切生活设施。Most of the university's students live on campus and the remainder rent apartments in town.这所大学的学生大都住校内,其余的则在城里租公寓。The Princeton campus has developed into one of the most attractive in the country.普林斯顿大学的校园成了国内最迷人的校园之一。 |