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例句 Handsome, she thought, but not a patch on Alex.挺帅的,她想,但还是比不上亚历克斯。He insists that he is a revolutionary not a common criminal.他坚持说自己是个革命者,而不是普通的罪犯。He met not a solitary soul.他一个人都没有遇见。Relief agencies say the immediate problem is not a lack of food, but transportation.救援机构称最紧迫的问题不是食物匮乏,而是运输不畅。A dog is a vocal, but not a verbal being.狗是一种能发声但不能说话的动物。If it's not a good time to talk, I can call back.如果现在谈话不是时候,我可以再打过来。He is not a fan of insurance companies. 他不喜欢保险公司。She turned out to be a ruthless undercover agent and not a bit of fluff after all.她原来是个冷酷无情的卧底间谍,根本不是光有长相却没脑子的性感女郎。Though an uneducated man, Chavez was not a stupid one.查维斯虽然没有受过多少教育,但并不笨。He's not a very bright boy, but he's young, strong, and willing.他不是一个非常聪明的男孩,但他年轻、强壮,而且积极肯干。I am not a country person at all. I prefer the cities.我根本不喜欢乡村生活,我喜欢城市。She was not a little upset when she found out what had happened.她查明发生了什么事情之后感到有些沮丧。You'd think he'd just give up, but not a bit of it.你认为他会放弃,但是正好相反。There is not a shred of truth in the story.这则报道中没有一句实话。I sent him the original document, not a photocopy.我寄给他的是原件,不是复印件。I'm not a big tea drinker.我喝茶不多。There is not a dog's chance of buying a house this year because the bank has refused to lend him any money.今年他肯定不能买房子,因为银行已拒绝给他贷款。He says that he's a uniter, not a divider.他宣称自己是主张团结的,而不是鼓动分裂的。He's not a man that gets irritated easily, but he does have a temper of sorts.他不是一个容易动怒的人,但他确实有那么一点儿脾气。Cindy's not a great player, but she really hustles.辛迪不能算是一位很优秀的球员,但是她非常努力。Good health care should be a right and not a privilege.良好的医疗保健应该是一种权利而不是特权。He's not a real alcoholic.他并非名副其实的酒鬼。Business sponsorship must be a supplement to, not a substitute for, public funding.商业赞助必须是公共基金的一种补充,而不能取而代之。His fame turned out to be a curse, not a blessing.事后证明,他的成名是祸而不是福。His death was not a tragedy, but a release from pain and suffering.他的死不是悲剧,而是从疼痛和痛苦中的一种解脱。The night was dark and still, and there was not a soul in sight.夜又黑又静,不见一个人影。He wore the garb of a scout, not a general.他身着侦察兵制服,而不是将军制服。I want to be a giver not a beggar.我愿做赠予者,不愿做乞讨者。There was not a jot of humour in the man.这人没有一点幽默感。That was a conjecture, not a fact.那只是猜测,不是事实。There was not a bomb in the hotel at all — it was just a hoax.宾馆里根本没有炸弹,那只不过是一场骗局。A gold mine is not a bottomless pit, the gold runs out.金矿不是取之不尽的,金子总有采完的时候。In an automated car plant there is not a human operative to be seen.在自动化汽车制造厂看不到一个工人。The report noted a sharp drop in cases of flu.报告中强调流感病例已急剧减少。Reconnaissance revealed not a single large ship.一艘大船也没有侦察到。Her condition was not a cause for immediate concern.她的病情不是十分危急。I'm not a fashion victim; I stick to what suits me.我不是一味赶时髦的人,我只穿适合自己的服装。He's not a real searcher after truth.他不是一个真正探求真理的人。It is arguable that this was not a disadvantage at all.可以说这完全不是什么缺点。It is only a hobby, not a life or death struggle.这只是一项爱好,不需要拼死拼活地努力。




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