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词汇 not allowed
例句 Unauthorized personnel are not allowed on the premises.未经允许不得入内。Because of restrictions on reporting, newspapers were not allowed to cover the story.因为新闻报道方面的限制,报纸不允许报道这一事件。He is not allowed solid food yet, only fluids.他还不能吃固体食物,只能进流食。She's a health nut. I'm not allowed to have too much junk food.她推崇健康饮食,不允许我吃太多垃圾食品。Women were not allowed in/into the club.女士不允许进入该俱乐部。The public is not allowed within a 2-mile limit of the missile site.公众不得进入导弹发射场两英里以内的范围。You are not allowed to build without first obtaining the approval of the planners.没有事先获得规划者的同意,不能开工建设。The children were not allowed to have dessert until they had cleaned their plates.孩子们先吃完自己盘子里的食物才能获准吃甜点。Dogs are not allowed off the lead in public places.在公共场所不准解开牵狗皮带。We're not allowed to chew gum in class.我们不许在上课时嚼口香糖。He was not allowed to leave the country.他不被允许离开这个国家。The defense has not allowed a touchdown in the past three games.在过去的三场比赛中,防守队员没让对手达阵得分。We're not allowed to camp here without the farmer's permission.没有农场主的许可,我们不能在此露营。I'm not allowed to drive my dad's car.我被禁止开我爸爸的汽车。You are not allowed to camp here without permission.未经许可不得在此地宿营。Working parents are not allowed to refuse inconvenient shifts.上班的父母即使碰上时间不方便的轮班也不能拒绝。As he was still not allowed to run a company, his wife became its nominal head.因为他仍未获准经营公司,他妻子成了名义上的老板。He doesn't want to go out and anyway he's not allowed.他不想出门,再说也不允许他出门。You must ink over your signature. Pencil writing is not allowed.你必须把签名用墨水描一下。铅笔书写是不允许的。You were not allowed to come to the breakfast table in a state of undress.你不许不穿衣服就坐在早餐桌前。Discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age or disability is not allowed.基于种族、性别、年龄或残疾的歧视都是不能容许的。Men were not allowed to cross the threshold.男士不得跨过这个门槛。The actors were not allowed to depart from the script. 演员们不得脱离剧本。He was not allowed to leave the city without the prior permission of the authorities.未经当局事先批准,他不能离开本市。Dogs are not allowed in the children's play area.不许将狗带入儿童游乐区。The soldiers are not allowed to fraternize withthe women of the conquered town.士兵不得和所占领城市的妇女亲近。You're not allowed to burn coal in this area.这个地区不准烧煤。The rules clearly specify that competitors are not allowed to accept payment.条文明确规定,参赛者都不准接受报酬。Such a criminal was not allowed to take sanctuary and abjure the realm.这样的罪犯不得寻求庇护而具结去国出亡。Beggars are not allowed to solicit in public places.乞丐不得在公共场所乞讨。You are not allowed to fish in this part of the river.你不允许在这段河流内捕鱼。During their sequestration, jurors were not allowed to speak to reporters.陪审员在隔离期间,不得与记者交谈。The accused was not allowed legal representation.被告未获准请律师。During the election contest newspapers are not allowed to publish public opinion polls.竞选期间不允许报纸刊登民意测验结果。Cars are not allowed in the cycle lanes.汽车不得驶入自行车道。He knows perfectly well, he's not allowed to park outside the main door.他非常清楚,他不可以在大门外停车。They're not allowed to smoke at work, so they all light up as soon as they leave.他们上班时间不许抽烟,所以一下班就都点上烟了。Students are not allowed on school property outside of school hours.学生不准在非上课期间进入学校的房子。He was not allowed access to a lawyer.他未获准与律师见面。You're not allowed to chew gum in class.你们不许在课堂上嚼口香糖。




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