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词汇 口语
例句 Tongue twisters are used in our oral practice.我们在口语练习中用饶口令。In speech we use a smaller vocabulary than in writing.口语使用的词汇量比书面语少。Many words are more common in speech than in writing.许多词在口语中比在书面语中更常见。It's a useful little phrase book, full of colloquial expressions.这是一本实用的常用语小手册,里面有很多口语表达方式。He has become more confident in his Spanish-speaking skills.他对自己的西班牙语口语表达能力更有信心了。You could freshen up your Spanish with some conversation classes.你可以上一些口语班来提高自己的西班牙语水平。Particular emphasis will be placed on oral language training.将会特别强调口语训练。Slang is used mostly in informal/casual speech.俚语主要用于非正式口语中。He speaks and reads Arabic fluently.他的阿拉伯语口语和阅读都很流畅。We're trying to redress the balance and to give teachers a sense that both spoken and written language are equally important.我们正在努力恢复口语和书面语之间的平衡,让教师们感到二者同样重要。Colloquialisms, dialect and slang terms can enliven style if properly used.口语、方言、俚语如使用得当可使文体变得生动活泼。So we're trying to redress the balance and to give teachers a sense that both spoken and written language are equally important.所以我们正努力恢复平衡,让教师们感到口语和书面语同样重要。




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