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词汇 advertising
例句 Consumers need to wise up to the effect that advertising has on them.消费者应当正确认识广告对自己产生的影响。She accuses the company of willful deception in its advertising.她指责这家公司的广告中有蓄意欺骗行为。They are hoping to boost their business with a major new advertising campaign.他们希望通过一次重大的新广告宣传活动来刺激生意。The company has been expanding its customer base using trade magazine advertising.公司一直通过在商业杂志上刊登广告扩展客户群。His areas were advertising and distribution.他的职务范围是广告和营销。Many of today's players earn huge amounts of money from sponsorship and advertising.现在的许多运动员从赞助和广告中赚取大笔大笔的钱。They've employed an advertising agency to spruce up the company image.他们请了一家广告公司来打造公司的形象。The authorities are dragging their feet over banning cigarette advertising.当局在禁止香烟广告一事上迟迟不采取行动。I believe it is time to ban tobacco advertising altogether.我认为该完全禁止烟草广告了。The company is advertising for a secretary.公司刊登广告招聘一位秘书。This kind of advertising trades on people's fears.这种广告利用了人们的恐惧心理。She works for an advertising agency in New York.她在纽约的一家广告公司工作。People are sick of having advertising rammed down their throats.人们厌倦了无所不在却又无所逃遁的广告。The magazine misreported its sales figures in order to boost advertising revenue.这家杂志为增加广告收入虚报了销售数字。The idea for the new advertising campaign came to me while I was visiting Thailand.我在泰国时忽然想到开展新的广告宣传活动的主意。The editor pointed out that he had nothing to do with the discredited advertising campaign.那位编辑指出他与那项声名狼藉的广告宣传活动无关。Governments should put strict limits on tobacco advertising.政府应该严格限制烟草广告。Footfall is an important indicator of how successful a company's advertising is at bringing people into its shops.客流量是说明一家公司在做广告吸引顾客方面有多成功的重要指标。We weighed the cost of advertising against the likely gains from increased business.我们权衡了广告成本和业务增加可能带来的收益。She got a job writing advertising copy.她得到一份写广告文案的工作。The company got into a lot of trouble over its last advertising campaign.该公司在上次的广告宣传活动中惹了许多麻烦。As marketing manager, her job is to oversee all the company's advertising.作为营销经理,她的工作是负责公司所有的广告业务。Our culture is saturated with television and advertising.我们的文化里充斥着电视和广告。There has been a recent proliferation of medical advertising on TV.最近电视上的医药广告数量激增。I hear he's in advertising. 我听说他是做广告的。If I wanted to get a job in advertising, what do you think my chances would be?要是我想在广告行业找份工作,你认为我有多大把握?If you have what it takes and can stand the pace of advertising, you can earn a very good salary.如果你有能力,并且受得了广告业的紧张节奏,你就可以挣大钱。The accounts department will look at the marketing and advertising spend.财务部将审查市场和广告费用。The big cigarette manufacturers spend billions of dollars a year on advertising.大的烟厂每年要在广告上花数十亿美元。The store attracted many customers by advertising.这家商店用广告吸引了许多顾客。The two giants in the fast-food industry are squaring off this month with the most aggressive advertising campaigns yet.本月快餐业两大巨头展开了异常激烈的广告攻势,拉开阵势准备一决高下。People are bombarded with information in the form of TV advertising.电视广告信息对着人们狂轰滥炸。She had the idea of advertising on the Internet.她有了在因特网上做广告的念头。The new advertising campaign is an attempt to allay the public's concerns/worries about the safety of the company's products.新的广告攻势旨在减轻公众对该公司产品安全性的担忧。A new code of practice governing the advertising of tobacco products is being introduced.一条新的有关烟草广告的行业规则已经实施。The advertising agency had packaged the cologne in a distinctive blue bottle.广告公司为古龙香水设计了一款与众不同的蓝瓶包装。In advertising you're always working against the clock, trying to meet deadlines.干广告这一行总是要赶时间,赶限期。We have to slim down the company's advertising budget.我们必须减少公司的广告预算。The function of advertising is to create a unique image for your company.广告的作用是为公司树立一个独特的形象。They have allowed their products to speak for themselves. No ballyhoo, no melodramatic advertising.他们让产品本身说话,没有大肆炒作,没有夸张的广告。




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