例句 |
Ted caught the ball and threw it back to his brother.特德接住球,把它扔回给弟弟。He missed the catch and the game was lost.他没接住球,输了这场比赛。The catcher missed the ball.接球手没能接住球。She had a chance to catch the ball, but she failed to make the play.她本有机会接住球使对方出局,但未能接住。He really flubbed badly by not catching the ball.他没能接住球,犯了大错。I caught the ball and threw it back.我接住球,把它扔了回去She snatched the ball out of the air and ran down the court.她在空中接住球,沿着球场跑起来。He caught the ball and flipped it back to me in one fluid motion.他接住球,然后以一个流畅的动作把它扔回给我。 |