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词汇 发行
例句 The album is expected to be released sometime next year.唱片预计明年的某个时间发行Most movies take at least a couple of years from conception to release.大多数电影从构思到发行要一两年。The radio stations play her new single several times a day.每天电台多次播放她新发行的单曲。Their album was released on the Digital Experience label.他们的专辑由数码体验唱片公司发行To celebrate the centennial of the founding of our country, the Central Bank especially issued a set of memorial coins.为了庆祝建国百年,中央银行特别发行了一套纪念币。I am anxiously awaiting the release of the next volume.我正在热切盼望下一卷的发行The release of the book was well-timed.这本书的发行正合时宜。We regularly publish a magazine that celebrates lesbian poetry and other women's literature.我们定期发行一本杂志,推崇女同性恋者的诗歌以及其他女性文学。The Roman Catholic Church has issued a compendium of its teachings.天主教会发行了教义简编。The promotion of a big release can inflate a film's final cost.大规模发行所需的广告宣传会增加一部电影的最终成本。The post office issued the stamps last week.上星期邮局发行了这些邮票。The subsidiary has issued shares that are guaranteed by its parent.子公司发行的股票由母公司担保。She is releasing a solo album.她正准备发行一张独唱专辑。Warner Communications Inc. has refused to distribute the picture in the United States.华纳通信公司已拒绝在美国发行这部电影。Which states have lotteries?哪些州发行彩票集资?The album is set for an early March release.这张专辑预计在三月初发行Their new release has gone straight to number one.他们新发行的唱片已经跃升至排行榜首位。Studios are releasing movies at a fast clip.制片厂正在以极快的速度发行影片。The newspaper comes out every Saturday.这份报纸每星期六发行A new coinage issued.一种新硬币发行了。The magazine has been taken out of circulation. 这本杂志现已停止发行The group's popularity reached new heights when they released their second album.这个组合发行第二张专辑的时候,人气涨到了新高。She took some time off last year, but she's back with a bang with her new album.她去年休息了一段时间,但是今年强力回归,发行了新专辑。They have begun to issue ration cards for basic necessities such as rice and flour.他们开始发行用来购买大米、面粉等生活基本必需品的定量配给卡。Dictionaries are produced with specific markets in mind, and their contents vary accordingly.各种词典根据特定的目标市场编写发行,内容也相应地有所不同。The issue of the single currency has divided the country.这个国家在发行单一货币问题上意见不一。The book was issued in God's plenty.这部书的发行数量很大。The release of the movie/album is scheduled for next month.这部电影/这张专辑计划下个月上映/发行HBO has begun releasing the series on DVD.家庭影院票房有线电视台开始发行该系列剧的数字影碟版本。The book has already gone through four editions. 这本书已经发行了四版。Most credit card issuers have set limits on how low rates can go.多数信用卡发行机构都设有费用低限。The album is set to be released in early March.这张专辑预计在三月初发行The company has announced plans to raise capital by floating a new issue of securities next month.公司已宣布计划于下月发行新证券以筹集资金。The group's new video will be released next month.这个音乐组合的新录像将在下个月发行20,000 copies of the novel will be printed in hardback.这本小说将以精装本的形式发行两万册。Our catalogue lists all our books that are available for general distribution.我们在目录中列出所有全面发行的书。The movie is scheduled for release next month.该影片定于下月发行The company's spending has also risen following the launch of a new Sunday magazine.发行一本新周日杂志后,公司的开支也跟着上升。The movie is already out on video.这部电影已经发行了录像带。We didn't understand how difficult it was to distribute a national paper.我们不了解分销一份全国发行的报纸有多难。




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