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词汇 参加比赛
例句 He is not 100 percent match fit and needs to be playing week in, week out. 他的比赛适能还没有达到百分之百,需要一周又一周地参加比赛才行。Will you enter the contest?你会参加比赛吗?Children eight and over may participate in the contest.八岁及以上年龄的儿童可以参加比赛Many of the marathon runners compete in fancy dress.许多马拉松选手身着奇装异服参加比赛Some of the runners in the race began to lag.参加比赛的运动员中有一些开始落后了。With England not playing, the smart money was on the Germans.英格兰队没有参加比赛,因此德国队被内行看好。The players were doubled for tournament.运动员们被分成对子参加比赛He was panic-stricken at the thought he might never play again.一想到自己可能永远不能再参加比赛,他就无比恐慌。His age made him ineligible for the competition.他由于年龄关系而无资格参加比赛Competitors from more than a hundred countries have converged on Sheffield for the Games.来自一百多个国家的参赛选手汇集到谢菲尔德参加比赛All contestants competed stark naked.所有参赛者都一丝不挂地参加比赛The doctor has given him the OK to play on Saturday.医生同意他周六参加比赛I know I will be okay to play on Saturday.我知道周六我可以参加比赛This horse has been retired from racing and has now been put out to stud.这匹马已不再参加比赛,现在用作配种。Until the matter is resolved the athletes will be ineligible to compete.事情没解决,那些运动员便没有资格参加比赛Frasier's right foot has not healed sufficiently to allow him to play tonight.弗雷泽右脚没有完全痊愈,今晚不能参加比赛After the marathon, most of the competitors looked all in.跑完马拉松,大多数参加比赛的人显得疲乏不堪。Students from the other college were bused in for the game.另一学院的学生是坐大巴来参加比赛的。When Ebony grew too old to race they put him out to stud.当埃博尼老得不能再参加比赛时,他们将其留作种马。There were people to the number of 100 who had taken part in the competition.共计有一百人参加比赛Tardelli had a poor match, although in fairness he was playing with a knee injury.塔尔代利在场上表现很差,但说句公道话,他是带着膝伤参加比赛的。I only entered the contest for a laugh, so I couldn't believe it when I won!参加比赛只是为了好玩,所以不能相信我居然得奖了!Barron invited her to accompany him to the races.巴伦邀请她陪他参加比赛He righted the yacht and continued the race.他扶正了快艇,继续参加比赛It's possible he won't play but I can ill afford to lose him.他有可能不愿意参加比赛了,但我可不能失去他。We were relieved to find that Barnes was fully recovered and able to take part in the race.看到巴恩斯完全恢复而且能参加比赛,我们都感到宽慰。It's iffy whether he can play in the game.他能否参加比赛还不能确定。He has been ruled out of the match with a knee injury.他因为膝盖受伤不能参加比赛Only weeks later fate struck again, leaving her unable to compete.仅仅几周后,她再次遭受命运打击,不能参加比赛They find it difficult to pump themselves up for the games.他们很难调整好心态参加比赛Is there any chance that he will recover from his injury in time for the race?他能否及时养好伤参加比赛You cannot race without sponsorship.没有赞助,你不能参加比赛I couldn't play, having twisted my knee in the previous night's game.我在前一天晚上的比赛中扭伤了膝盖,不能参加比赛了。The vet gave both our horses a thorough check-up and pronounced them fit to race.兽医给我们的两匹马做了彻底的体格检查,说它们都适合参加比赛He once played for England, but that was a long time ago.他曾代表英格兰参加比赛,但那是很久以前的事了。An unprecedented number of cars entered the race.参加比赛的汽车之多前所未有。The jockey rushed back from America to ride at Nottingham on Monday but went unrewarded.那位职业赛马骑师周一从美国赶回诺丁汉参加比赛,但是一无所获。She said that she didn't participate in the games because her shoulder was sore.她说没有参加比赛是因为肩痛。Attending the race was not my purpose in coming to Indianapolis.我到印第安纳波利斯来并不是为了参加比赛Fortunately for Liverpool, he was able to play.对利物浦队来说幸运的是他可以参加比赛




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