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词汇 厕所
例句 Wait a moment - I just need to go to the bathroom.等一下,我要去厕所The doctor wanted to know how many times I went to the toilet in a day.医生想知道我一天上几次厕所Can I use your loo?我能用一下您这儿的厕所吗?The downstairs toilet is smaller than the upstairs one.楼下的厕所比楼上的小。We're on latrine fatigues, sir.我们奉命打扫厕所,长官。Four of the victims received serious injuries when the device ripped through one of the station's lavatories.炸弹击中车站里的一个厕所,四名受害者受了重伤。He had to wait because the toilet was engaged.他不得不等会儿,因为厕所有人在用。There is a mop inside of the toilet.厕所里有一柄拖把。He pointed to the stinking hole that we were to use as a toilet.他指着一个臭臭的坑,我们得用它当厕所It's a good pub, but the bogs are terrible!那个小酒馆不错,不过那里的厕所太糟糕了!The sign on the toilet door said "Engaged".厕所门上的显示牌显示“有人”。When the toilet is engaged, a red light shows above the door.厕所有人在用时,门上方的红灯会亮起。He made several visits to the bathroom.他去了好几趟厕所Bathroom door handles can harbour germs.厕所门把手上可能带有病菌。Passengers complained about the dirty lavatory and surly staff.乘客抱怨厕所不干净,工作人员态度粗暴。This toilet needs to be sanitized before it can be used again.这间厕所必须先消毒过才能使用。The toilets are over there, dear.亲爱的,厕所在那边。There are some things we simply won't stoop to, such as dusting and cleaning the toilet.有些事情我们就是不会屈尊去做,比如掸尘和清扫厕所I was given the unenviable task of cleaning the toilets.我被分派去干打扫厕所这个讨厌的差事。Someone had been having a cigarette in the toilet.有人一直在厕所抽烟。I need to go to the toilet.我要去一下厕所They had no bathroom, so a hole in the ground served as a toilet.他们没有卫生间,所以地上的一个洞就用作厕所了。They made me clean out the latrines.他们让我把厕所彻底打扫干净。I need to go to the loo.我需要去一下厕所I felt the call of nature and so I stumbled down the external staircase to the evil-smelling loo.我感到内急,于是就踉踉跄跄地从外面的楼梯跑到臭气熏天的厕所There was a long queue for the toilets.厕所门口排起了长队。Right I'll just nip up to the loo.现在我要赶紧去趟厕所Can I go to the toilet, Miss?我能去厕所吗,老师?The toilet was full to the brim with insects.厕所里爬满了虫子。Where's the loo?厕所在哪里?Cleaning the toilets is my least favourite job.打扫厕所是我最不喜欢的工作。I scrubbed toilets and vacuumed carpets.我刷洗了厕所,用吸尘器清扫了地毯。I excused myself and had to go downstairs to find the amenities.我说了声失陪,不得不下楼找厕所去。The privy's out the back.厕所在房子后面。The officers sometimes have to winkle idlers out of toilets.警察有时不得不把一个个二流子从厕所里赶出去。She went to the lavatory to check if her trouser zip was undone.她去厕所查看自己裤子的拉链是不是没拉上。I thought you went to the bathroom before we left.我以为你在我们离开前已经去过厕所了。The bathroom at the back of the plane was occupied, so I waited.飞机尾部的厕所有人使用,所以我等着。The original kitchen was sandwiched between the breakfast room and the toilet.厨房最初夹在早餐厅和厕所之间。Mike drew the short straw and had to clean the bathroom.麦克比较倒霉,得去打扫厕所




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