例句 |
Roll the dough into a ball and then flatten it with a rolling pin.把面团揉成团状,然后用擀面杖把它压平。She said that the crash-helmet would flatten her hair-do.她说防撞头盔会压平她的发型。The tennis courts rolled easily after the shower.阵雨过后网球场容易压平。He flattened the wrappers and put them between the leaves of his book.他把包装纸压平,夹在书里。He patted his hair down.他轻拍他的头发,把头发压平。He flattened the clay with a roller.他用滚轮把土压平。They smoothed the rough macadam road with a roller.他们用路碾将高低不平的碎石路压平。 |