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词汇 lawyers
例句 Her lawyers stated that they intended to call at least five witnesses.她的辩护律师说他们打算至少传召五个证人。Most legal translation is done by lawyers with foreign language training.大部分的法律翻译都是由受过外语培训的律师完成的。But the soldier's lawyers have said she was following orders from higher-ups.但是该士兵的律师说她不过是在依上级命令行事而已。The lawyers think we should alter the terms of our contract with the computer company.律师认为我们应当更改与该电脑公司签订的合同条款。I have an inherent distrust of lawyers.我生来对律师就有种不信任感。The lawyers demanded retraction of testimonies from these women, otherwise a lawsuit will follow.律师要求这些女性撤回她们的证词,否则就要提告。His lawyers are asking for the case to be dismissed.他的律师们正在请求撤诉。The lawyers have violated the spirit, if not the letter, of the law.律师们就算没有违背法律的字面意思,也已经违背了法律的精神。Her methods play into the stereotype that lawyers are dishonest.她的几种方法印证了律师都不诚实的成见。Prosecution and defense lawyers are expected to deliver closing arguments next week.下周控辩双方律师将进行结案陈词。He must anticipate the manoeuvres of the other lawyers and beat them at their own game.他必须预见到其他律师的策略,然后以彼之道击败他们。His lawyers argue that the charges are based on a far-fetched conspiracy theory.他的律师申辩说那些指控是基于一种牵强的阴谋论。The lawyers put another nail in her coffin today.今天律师们又给了她致命的一击。The lawyers said it was a hopeless case.律师们都说这是个毫无希望的案子。His lawyers argue that the ruling is illegal.他的律师们认为这一裁决是违法的。His lawyers are asking that the case be dismissed.他的律师们正在请求驳回此案。Baring accepted the offer after consultation with his lawyers.巴林与律师商量之后接受了对方提出的条件。We need to have a conversation with our lawyers about the will.我们需要和律师谈谈遗嘱的事。He sicced his lawyers on them.他向自己的律师告发了他们。Their lawyers hashed out a resolution.他们的律师经讨论提出一个解决办法。A fraud trial involving two homosexual lawyers was abandoned.一桩涉及两名同性恋律师的欺诈案审判被撤销了。Human rights lawyers have accused the police of beating Murkett to death.人权律师指控警方将穆尔克特殴打致死。The accused's lawyers will get a chance to cross-examine him.被告的律师将有机会反询问他。The lawyers dissected his claim for damages.律师们仔细分析了他提出的赔偿要求。Civil rights lawyers tried to halt the deportations.民权律师试图阻止这些驱逐行为。The scheme will overpay some lawyers and underpay others.该方案使一些律师获得过高酬劳,而其他律师则报酬过低。We'll leave the lawyers to deal with the specifics.我们把具体细节留给律师们处理。His lawyers filed a petition for all charges to be dropped.他的律师提请撤销所有指控。The accused's lawyers will get a chance to cross-examine him.被告律师将有机会盘问他。This matter won't be settled until the lawyers fight it out in court.这件事只有在双方律师对簿公堂时才会得到解决。Her lawyers plan to use an insanity defense. 她的律师们计划为她进行精神错乱辩护。The lawyers expressed serious doubts about the legitimacy of military action.律师们对军事行动的合法性表示强烈怀疑。Government lawyers were deemed unqualified for advancement.人们认为公职律师不符合晋升条件。He had lawyers of his own choice to defend him.他亲自选定律师为自己辩护。His lawyers have vowed that they will fight the court's decision.他的律师团发誓要对法庭的裁决提起上诉。After consultation with the judge, lawyers decided to drop the case.与法官协商后律师们决定撤销诉讼。He was in conference with two lawyers and did not want to be interrupted.他正和两位律师商谈,不希望被打断。Clark's lawyers were well prepared and confident.克拉克的律师准备充分、充满自信。In my opinion, most lawyers are overpaid.依我看,大多数律师收取的报酬都太高了。If you repeat those allegations, we will consult our lawyers.如果你不改变那些说法,我们将向我们的律师寻求对策。




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