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词汇 lax
例句 I think the school has been too lax about bad behaviour in the past.我觉得学校过去对不良行为太宽松了。One of the problem areas is lax security for airport personnel.问题之一是对机场员工的安检措施马虎松懈。He took a gun through baggage control to highlight the lax security.他携带一把枪通过了行李检查,以此引起大家对安全管理松懈这一问题的重视。The university has been lax about/in enforcing these rules.这所大学一直未严格执行这些规定。The company took advantage of the country's lax environmental regulations.该公司利用了该国不严格的环保法规。There have been allegations from survivors that safety standards had been lax.有幸存者称安全标准不严格。With open frontiers and lax visa controls, criminals could cross into the country without restraint.由于边境开放和签证管理松懈,罪犯可以毫无限制地进入这个国家。The report criticizes the lax security at many prisons.这篇报告批评许多监狱戒备松懈。MPs attacked lax management and errors of judgment.议员们抨击管理的松散和判断的失误。This plant has a lax habit, making it useful for a hanging basket or evergreen ground cover.这种植物是蔓生的,可用作吊篮或常青地被植物。The company has been lax in carrying out its duties.公司没有严格履行义务。One of the problem areas is lax security.问题之一是安全措施松懈。Security has been lax.安保措施一直不严。I find it astonishing that security was so lax.安全保护如此松懈,令我震惊。I was lax in my duties.我对本职工作马虎松懈。Discipline was too lax.纪律太松懈了。These lax laws are an open invitation to cheat the system.这些不严密的法律是人们钻制度空子的诱因。A jury found the airline guilty of wilful misconduct because its lax security allowed a suitcase bomb on to the plane.航空公司安保措施漏洞百出,致使一颗放在手提箱里的炸弹被带上了飞机,陪审团因此认定其存在故意不当行为。




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