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词汇 lawsuit
例句 The court held his actions to be grounds for a lawsuit. 法院认为他的行为可以成为诉讼理由。His lawsuit seeks damages for pain and suffering.他上诉要求赔偿身心所遭受的痛苦。Businesses could soon have a new kind of lawsuit to contend with.各类公司将要面临新的法律诉讼。Romley's lawsuit drove the wedge even farther between the two former friends.罗姆雷提出诉讼的做法使这两个原先的朋友嫌隙更深了。The car accident will doubtless result in a lawsuit.这场车祸必定会引起一场官司。They had refused to pay and relented only after being threatened with a lawsuit.他们曾拒不付款,直至迫于被起诉的压力才表示同意。The lawsuit is a challenge to the lower court's decision.这项诉讼是对下级法院裁决的质疑。They made a financial settlement with the family in order to prevent a civil lawsuit.他们和这一家人达成经济和解,以免去一场民事诉讼。The lawsuit was lost because of discrepancies in the statements of the witnesses.由于证人提供的证词出现多处矛盾,官司败诉了。The lawsuit could leave them bankrupt.这起诉讼可能使他们破产。A lawsuit against the company is in contemplation.对这家公司的诉讼正在酝酿之中。The company has its top guns handling the lawsuit.公司有顶尖好手来处理诉讼。Survivors of the fire later brought a billion dollar lawsuit against the company.火灾的幸存者后来对该公司提起诉讼,索赔十亿美元。The company will settle the lawsuit and provide compensation for claimants.这家公司将了结这桩诉讼,赔偿索赔人的损失。She was the subject of a lawsuit.她是诉讼对象。Nordstrom and his supporters are still crowing about winning the lawsuit.诺德斯特罗姆和他的支持者仍然为赢了诉讼而得意扬扬。An additional, unstated reason for his resignation may have been a lawsuit filed against him.他辞职的另一个没有言明的理由可能是他遭到了起诉。Sears then countered by filing an antitrust lawsuit.于是西尔斯提起反托拉斯诉讼进行反击。The dispute culminated last week in a lawsuit against the government.上周政府被告上法庭,这一纠纷达到高潮。It was a big lawsuit, and it went on for quite a while.这是一宗很大的官司,打了很长时间。They may decide to hit him with a lawsuit.他们可能会让他面临法律诉讼。A film star filed a lawsuit against our firm.一位电影明星对我们公司提起诉讼。Haley dismissed the lawsuit as a tempest in a teapot.黑利认为这桩官司是小题大做。The parties to the lawsuit hereby agree to settle the matter out of court.诉讼双方据此同意庭外和解。The court's ruling has given him ample ammunition for such a lawsuit.法庭的裁决为他提起这样的诉讼提供了充足的证据。We suffered through an eternity of delays during the lawsuit.在那起诉讼中,我们因审理无止境的延期而饱受折磨。A lawsuit is being filed on behalf of the injured party/person.正在为受害方/人提起诉讼。I'm trying to get back on an even keel now that the lawsuit is settled.官司打完了,我正尽量让自己的生活恢复正常。Chivalry and honour had shrunk, for them, to the dimension of a lawsuit.对他们来说,侠义精神和体面尊严都谈不上了,而且不堪到了非打官司不可的地步。They were slapped with a lawsuit.他们吃了官司。The family has filed a lawsuit against the company.这家人已经对该公司提起诉讼。The next day, we found they'd hit us with a lawsuit.第二天,我们发现他们要起诉我们。The company was pushed/forced onto the defensive in the lawsuit.公司在这场诉讼中被迫采取了守势。The only hope of redress is in a lawsuit.获得赔偿的唯一希望就是打官司。The lawyers demanded retraction of testimonies from these women, otherwise a lawsuit will follow.律师要求这些女性撤回她们的证词,否则就要提告。They were entangled in a messy lawsuit.他们陷入了一场混乱的诉讼中。They are seeking damages in a lawsuit.他们通过起诉寻求对损失的赔偿。It took a lawsuit to bring them to their senses.经过一场官司他们才醒悟过来。American businesses could soon have a new kind of lawsuit to contend with.美国公司可能很快就要有一种新型的官司去应付了。The new lawsuit challenges the lower court's decision.新的诉讼对下级法院的裁决提出质疑。




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