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When she hear about the chance for promotion, she decide to go for it.当听到有升迁的机会时,她决定努力争取。He was moving up the corporate ladder.他在公司一步步升迁。In certain professions, it is hard for women to get promoted. This is called the phenomenon of the glass ceiling.在某些行业之中,女性升迁不易,这就叫做玻璃天花板。Her work on the project should clinch her a promotion.她在这个项目中的表现应该能够确保她得到升迁。We had a big blowout to celebrate his promotion.我们搞了一个大派对庆祝他的升迁。They're now seeing their daughters hitting the glass ceiling and they are horrified at the effects.他们现在目睹自己的女儿们遭遇升迁的障碍,其结果令他们大为震惊。That idiot loused up my chance of promotion.那个白痴破坏了我升迁的机会。She was angry when it came to light that some people were being promoted unfairly.听说有些人通过不公正手段得到升迁,她很生气。Mobutu ascended through the ranks, eventually becoming commander of the army.蒙博托不断升迁,最后成了陆军司令。His hard work earned him a promotion.他努力工作,获得了升迁。The book chronicles her climb to political power.这本书按时间顺序讲述了她的从政升迁之路。She felt that her husband's unexpected promotion foreshortened his life.她感觉丈夫的意外升迁缩短了他的人生。The graduate was promoted over the heads of several of his seniors.这名毕业生得以越过好几位前辈,破格升迁。She has rocketed to the top of the rankings.她迅速升迁到了最高职位。She has hit the glass ceiling in that company.在那家公司她已升迁到顶。Her colleagues were all surprised at her rapid advance in the company.她的飞速升迁令公司同仁均感惊奇。He earned a promotion through hard work.他通过努力工作获得了升迁。I don't want to devalue his achievement, but he managed to get a promotion without working very hard.我不想贬低他的成绩,但他似乎没有真正努力就得到了升迁。His promotion in the army is secure.他在军队中的升迁是有把握的。As the story goes, he has been promoted twice in five years.据说他在五年中升迁了两次。She was passed over for another promotion.另一个升迁机会也没有给她。We're having a little get-together to celebrate Helen's promotion.我们正在举办一个小型联欢会,庆祝海伦的升迁。He was ambitious and impatient for promotion.他雄心勃勃,迫不及待要得到升迁。He was on a high after receiving the promotion.得到升迁后他很开心。He failed to get promoted for lack of resolution.他因缺乏果断力而未能得到升迁。He's been crawling to the boss for months, so it's no surprise he got a promotion.他巴结老板好几个月了,难怪能够得到升迁。Various reasons are given for the apparent glass ceiling women hit in many professions.显然,在很多行业中女性的升迁都受到无形的限制,对此人们给出了不同的解释。In this company, promotions are given without fear or favor.在这家公司里,职位升迁是很公平的。Two years of experience qualified him for a promotion.两年的资历使他有资格获得升迁。He started at the bottom of the ladder and worked his way up to success.他从最低微的工作做起,发奋努力,一路升迁取得了成功。He advanced rapidly in his job.他在工作中升迁得很快。 |