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词汇 努力工作
例句 She worked herself up in the company.努力工作,在公司一路高升。I've been working hard all day.我一整天都在努力工作I had to prove my willingness to work hard and accept the university's authority.我得证明自己愿意努力工作,接受大学校方的管辖。You must work hard to ride out a storm.你们必须努力工作以渡过难关。They had been hard at it since we arrived.我们到了之后他们一直在努力工作He told me to work hard and take every opportunity that comes along.他告诉我要努力工作,抓住眼前出现的每一个机会。The belief that one should work hard is ingrained in our culture.谁都应当努力工作的信念深深淀积在我们的文化意识中。As the deadline approached, it was clear that we needed to rally the troops. 最后限期即将到来,显然我们需要动员全体人员更加努力工作Those people don't know the meaning of hard work.那些人不懂得努力工作的意义。If you don't work hard you can kiss your bonus goodbye.如果你不努力工作,你就甭想得到奖金。He's worked very hard for the company and deserves better.他已为公司努力工作,应该得到更好的待遇。I had always impressed upon the children that if they worked hard they would succeed in life.我总让孩子们牢记努力工作就会成功。He had risen from humble origins through hard work.他出身卑微,通过努力工作才出人头地。His hard work earned him a promotion.努力工作,获得了升迁。She worked with quiet determination.她暗下决心努力工作Her success is just reward for her hard work. 她的成功是她努力工作的恰当回报。His election is a payoff for years of hard work.他的当选是多年来努力工作的结果。He succeeds by dint of sheer hard work.他完全是凭借着努力工作取得了成功。He shared his father's belief that people should work hard for their living.他和他的父亲都相信人应该为生活而努力工作If there is any recipe for success, I would say it's hard work.如果真有成功的诀窍,照我说,那就是努力工作They have a duty to their parents to work hard.他们有为了父母而努力工作的责任。If you're a good salesman you can make a bomb, but you have to work hard.如果你是位出色的销售员,你就能发大财,但必须努力工作Employees are motivated to work harder for a whole host of different reasons.激励员工更加努力工作的原因多种多样。She worked very hard to be self-reliant.努力工作以自力更生。He has to work hard to feed and clothe his family.他必须努力工作以供给全家吃、穿。Women at the top often have to work harder than men.身处最高职位的女性常常得比男性更努力工作Much of my success rests on the hard work of my colleagues.我的成功很大程度上取决于同事们的努力工作That's what I like to see - everybody hard at it!这是我愿意看到的——每个人都在努力工作Her success goes to show that if you work hard, you can make your dreams come true.她的成功证明只要努力工作,梦想就能成真。That reputation is based on hard work.那种名声是努力工作换来的。They believe in hard work and clean living.他们信奉努力工作、清白为人。The city worked to quickly restore postal service.这座城市努力工作以迅速恢复邮政业务。If that's the case, you'll have to work harder.如果真是那样,你得更加努力工作才行。She might have been paraded as a woman who was working hard to change her ways.她可能已经被吹嘘成一个靠努力工作改变命运的女人了。The reward spurred them to work harder.奖金激励他们更加努力工作Hey, I'm trying to work here!嘿,我正努力工作He says he's been working hard, but I haven't seen any evidence of it.他说他一直努力工作,但我可没看出来。If you want to make your way in the world, you must learn to work hard.如果你想取得成就,就必须学会努力工作You'll just have to make up for lost time by working harder now. 现在你得更加努力工作来弥补耽误的时间。Hard work is essential to success.成功必须努力工作




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