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词汇 境地
例句 I realized I'd let myself in for something from which there was no turning back.我意识到自己陷入了没有退路的境地I was being pushed in one direction.我被推到了只有一条路可选的境地The policy hazarded the islands and put the lives of the inhabitants at risk.这项政策将这些岛屿和岛上的居民置于了危险的境地John had been manoeuvred into an awkward position.约翰在他人操纵下陷入了难堪境地Women are caught in a double bind, marginalised in the community if they are not wives and mothers, under excessive pressure to be perfect if they are.女性陷入了两难境地,如果她不为人妻为人母就会被社会边缘化,如果她为人妻为人母就会承受成为完美的妻子和母亲的巨大压力。They have been pushed to the brink of exhaustion.他们几乎被逼到精疲力竭的境地What can we do in this extremity?在这种窘迫境地我们能怎么办呢? They have no ability to project themselves into her situation.他们无法设想自己处于她的境地会是什么样。The country slipped into a dangerous mixture of nationalism and militarism.这个国家陷入了民族主义和军国主义并存的危险境地The deputies were put in an invidious position.这些代表们陷入了招人怨恨的境地They were caught in a real dilemma.他们陷入了进退两难的境地His gross mismanagement left the company desperately in need of restructuring.他在经营管理上的重大失误使公司陷入亟须重组的境地The local authority could find itself in the invidious position of having to refuse.地方当局可能会因为不得不拒绝请求而陷入招人怨恨的境地These new statistics confirm our worst fears about the depth of the recession.这些新的统计数据证实经济衰退已经严重到我们最为担忧的境地They are privileging a tiny number to the disadvantage of the rest.他们优待少数几个人,使其他人处于不利的境地They put me in a sticky position.他们将我置于一个困难的境地It was not the only time he found himself in this position.他已不是第一次察觉自己陷入如此境地了。The economy is in dire straits.经济陷入了十分困窘的境地The museum has been reduced to begging for funding.这家博物馆已经沦落到乞求经费的境地The Scarlet Macaw is in imminent danger of extinction.绯红金刚鹦鹉已处于濒临绝种的境地He wondered what he had walked into.他寻思自己到底陷入了什么境地The principal is caught in a double bind because whether she expels the student or lets him off, she still gets blamed.校长陷入了左右为难的境地,因为无论是把男孩开除还是对他从轻处理,她都会受到指责。Everyone agrees the sport is in dire straits.人人都认为这个体育项目已处于岌岌可危的境地Public policy on the family presents liberals with a dilemma.有关家庭的公共政策使自由主义者陷入了进退两难的境地Anyone not familiar with the Internet is at a serious disadvantage.任何不熟悉因特网的人都会处于极不利的境地Anyone in her place would have done the same thing.任何人处在她的境地都会这样做。The company is clawing its way out of bankruptcy.公司正逐渐走出濒临破产的境地The president is now in a dilemma.总统现在陷入两难境地Some people were marooned when the river broke its banks.河水决堤时,一些人陷入了孤立无援的境地The King now stands on the brink of a political precipice.国王现在处于政治上岌岌可危的境地Many parents unwittingly place their children in danger by not making sure they wear seat belts.许多父母没有确保自己的孩子系好安全带,无意中将孩子置于危险的境地She refused his proposal, leaving him out on a limb.她拒绝了他的求婚,使他处于尴尬的境地Their actions have put them in serious danger.他们的行为使自己处于非常危险的境地The local authority could find itself in the invidious position of having to refuse.当局可能会发现自己处于必须要拒绝但又会因此而不得人心的境地The decision will leave her in a peculiar predicament.这个决定会让她处于尴尬的境地Larger companies are pushing smaller ones into bankruptcy.大公司正在把小公司逼到破产的境地All the other countries signed the agreement, leaving Britain out on a limb.其他国家都在协议上签了字,使英国处于孤立无援的境地I landed myself in an argument with him.我使自己陷于和他争论的尴尬境地I could tell that we were getting off the subject and into deep water.我觉得我们在跑题并已陷入尴尬境地She was thrown into a very difficult situation.她陷入了非常困难的境地




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