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He died in tragic circumstances.他在悲惨的境况中死去。This is a hell of a mess we're in.我们的境况糟透了。I can see things just going onwards and upwards for us now.我认为从现在起我们的境况只会越来越好。The company is perfectly placed to win the contract.这家公司境况很好,肯定能赢得合同。The management is doing its best to improve the situation.管理层正在竭尽全力改善境况。Her work documented the living conditions in the slum district of the city.她的作品记实性地描述了这个城市贫民区的生活境况。Times are getting really nasty for him.他的境况日趋恶化。If you quit school, you will be worse off.如果辍学,你的境况会更糟。They'd be better off on the parish, anyway.不管怎么说,他们靠救济的话境况会好一些。Even in the best of times, we had trouble paying our bills.即使在境况最好的时候,我们也付不起账单。When the war started, they thought they were sitting pretty, because they had all that extra grain.战争开始的时候,他们认为自己境况不错,因为他们粮食准备充足。Three in every five interviewed felt that the Budget was neutral and they would be no better off.五分之三的受访者觉得该预算案不好不坏,他们的境况不会好到哪里去。They were far better circumstanced than we were.他们的境况比我们的强多啦。But anyone looking for income from their investments is in a much worse state.但是,那些指望靠投资获取收入的人境况更为糟糕。She met other mothers in the same situation as herself.她碰到和她处于同样境况的母亲们。I figure you people are pretty well fixed.我估计你们这些人的境况都很不错。Time inevitably glosses over the particularities of each situation.时间不可避免地掩盖了每种境况的特殊之处。The organization is working to improve conditions for the poor by providing them with jobs, health care, and better housing.这个组织正致力于改善穷人的生活境况,给他们提供工作、医疗保健和更好的住房。After he left London, his fortunes improved.离开伦敦之后,他的境况有了改善。I flatter myself that she is so circumstanced at present as to enable her to act with more prudence.我自认为她现在的境况使她能够更谨慎地行动。It has touched me deeply to see how these people live.看到这些人的生活境况,我深受触动。He's been on the skids since losing his job.他丢了工作以后,境况越来越糟。She seems happy enough with her lot.她好像对自己的境况感到很满意。I tried not to show my discomfort with the situation.我尽量不表露出我对境况的不安。They are the descendants of emperors and kings and are now living in reduced circumstances.他们是帝王的后代,但是现在境况大不如前了。He had to break right now the chains of habit that bound him to the present.他必须现在就打破把他束缚在当前境况的习惯。These remarks have only served to inflame an already dangerous situation.这些话结果只是让已经危险的境况更加恶化。So where does that leave me?那么我的境况又会如何呢?He'd be better off working for a bigger company.若给大点儿的公司干活,他的境况就会好些。They would be far better off, materially and emotionally, if they all pulled together.如果他们所有人都团结一致,他们在物质上和感情上的境况都将大为改善。They're quids in, thanks to the EU.多亏了欧盟,他们现在境况很好。Never by a word or a sign had she adverted to the misery of her condition.她从未以言行引人关注自己悲惨的境况。Daytime television tended to remind her too forcefully of her own situation.日间电视节目往往使她深刻地认识到自身的境况。I feel mentally prepared to handle this situation.我觉得我已做好处理这种境况的思想准备。The proximity of the wealthy suburb to the squatter camp throws the plight of the squatters into even sharper relief.贫民区靠近富裕的市郊,使得棚户区的贫困境况更加触目惊心。Hard conditions of life yielded to more propitious circumstances.艰苦的生活条件已让位于比较宜人的境况。Everyone knew he was in a pinch.每个人都知道他境况艰难。The refugee situation must now be addressed as a matter of urgency.难民境况现在必须作为紧急问题来处理。I only wish he were here now that things are getting better for me.现在我的境况好转了,我真希望他能在这里。Conditions for the poor in Los Angeles have not improved.洛杉矶穷人的境况仍未得到改善。 |