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词汇 境遇
例句 He talked about the misery of his people in India.他谈到了他的印度同胞的穷困境遇You couldn't possibly understand what I'm going through.你绝不可能理解我目前的境遇Everybody's circumstances alter over time.每个人的境遇都会随时间而改变。I can't see things getting any easier for graduates.我没看出毕业生的境遇有丝毫好转。The fortunes of football clubs wax and wane.足球俱乐部的境遇时好时坏。I was trying to blank out previous situations from my mind.我试图将先前的境遇从大脑中抹去。Although Armstrong overcame the circumstances of his birth, he never really left New Orleans behind.阿姆斯特朗虽然摆脱了他出生时的境遇,但他从没有真正割断与新奥尔良的联系。For all your closeness, I see you are in a bad way.虽然你什么也不肯说,但我看得出来你的境遇很糟糕。 They were living in overcrowded slums in conditions of great misery.他们住在拥挤不堪的贫民窟里,境遇悲惨。Ed struggled manfully with his case.埃德勇敢地和自己的境遇抗争。The aim is to raise money for workers who have fallen on hard times.目的是为境遇艰难的工人筹款。I was prepared to be magnanimous, prepared to feel compassion for him.我准备表现得宽宏大量,同情他的境遇That unpaid toil must be my lot and portion, without even the hope or expectation of anything better.我一定是命中注定要做那份无偿的苦工,我对境遇的改善甚至不抱有任何希望或期盼。We are in an analogous situation.我们的境遇相似。Few rich people can really appreciate the position of the single mother living on welfare.有钱人很少能真正理解单身母亲靠救济金过活的这种境遇He was facing eviction, along with his wife and family.他和他的妻子以及家人正面临着被驱逐的境遇There are people much worse off than me.有些人的境遇比我差得多。He'd be better off with a new job.换个新工作,他的境遇会得到改善。If you want to improve your situation you must adopt a positive mental attitude.如果你打算改变自己的境遇,就必须树立一种积极的心态。The mix-up was the result of a set of unfortunate circumstances.这个混乱的局面是由一连串不幸的境遇导致的。It was at the time incomparably worse for Truman than for Wallace.当时杜鲁门的境遇相对于华莱士来说要糟糕得多得多。




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