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词汇 境界
例句 While you were still playing Club Penguin, I was exploring the farthest reaches of the deep web.当你还沉迷于企鹅俱乐部的时候,我已经在探索深度网络的最高境界了。The soul continues to be reborn until it has reached a state of perfection.心灵进一步得到升华,直至达到完美境界She is working on the perfection of her art.她一直不懈努力使自己的艺术达到完美的境界Living alone is an acquired taste.独处是一种修得的境界She meditates to achieve a higher state of being.她努力通过沉思默想达到一个更高的境界We are counting on your speech, bishop, to give some moral uplift to the delegates.主教,我们寄希望于您的演讲能够提升代表们的道德境界Her acting is really perfect.她的演技真到了炉火纯青的境界I haven't enjoyed anything so much, I don't know when. The performance is so good that it has taken me right out of myself.我不记得从什么时候以来就一直不曾有过这样的享受了。这演出真精彩,把我带进了忘我神往的境界I was meditating, and reached a higher state of consciousness.我在冥想,并进入了一个更高的意识境界The band played with a winning combination of gusto and precision.乐队在演奏激情与精确性之间达到了水乳交融的境界Man's highest capacity is self-transcendence or unselfishness.做人的最高境界是自我超越,即无私。He says that dying for your country is the ultimate act of patriotism.他说为国捐躯是最高境界的爱国主义行为。




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