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词汇 写信给
例句 If you feel you have any cause for complaint about the service, you should write to the Hospital Administrator.如果你有抱怨事由,你应该写信给医院院长。He wrote to me last week regarding a business proposition he thought might interest me.他上周写信给我,提出一项他认为我会感兴趣的商业建议。I apologise for writing to you like this, out of the blue.很抱歉这样唐突地写信给你。Writing to you is a good way to get things off my chest.写信给你是倾诉衷肠的好办法。It was reading his book that prompted me to write to him.我是读了他的书才写信给他的。Readers write letters to the newspaper screaming that they are being duped.读者写信给报纸,抱怨他们受愚弄了。She wrote Ellis that his father was not well.写信给埃利斯,告诉他他父亲身体欠佳。She wrote to him in the belief that he would help her.她相信他会帮助她,所以写信给他。She must have written to Laura without signing her name.写信给劳拉肯定没有署名。If you have a complaint, you should write to the manager.如有投诉,请写信给经理。He had written to The Times and then, much more unacceptably, allowed himself to be interviewed on television.他已写信给《泰晤士报》了,更让人受不了的是居然后来还同意接受电视台采访。I am writing to you at the instance of my client.经委托人的请求,我现在写信给你。How many people have written into the television station to complain about the moral level of the show?有多少人写信给电视台抱怨这档节目的道德水准?Things haven't changed much since I wrote to you last.从我上次写信给你到现在,一切都没有多大变化。James wrote to the bank and said we needed a loan.詹姆斯写信给银行,说我们需要一笔贷款。Be sure to write to me as soon as you get there.你一到那里一定要写信给我。My phone doesn't work, so drop me a line.我的电话坏了,你写信给我吧。She wrote to Paramount Studios and asked if they would audition her.写信给派拉蒙电影公司,询问他们是否同意让她去试镜。She wrote to the Prime Minister pleading for restraint.写信给首相恳请他克制。She wrote to the company demanding an explanation.写信给公司要求解释。We've written to the bank requesting a loan, and we're expecting an answer in this morning's mail.我们写信给银行要求贷款,期望今天早上能收到书面回复。Several parents of affected children have written to the Prime Minister to express their outrage.有些受影响儿童的家长已写信给首相表达他们的愤怒。If there is anything you want, write me.你有什么需要,写信给我就是。She writes me often, if only to scold me because I haven't written to her.她常来信,即使仅仅为了责怪我还没写信给她。He wrote to the dead man's mother expressing his deep sorrow.写信给死者的母亲表达他深切的悲痛。She wrote to the judge pleading for leniency.写信给法官请求宽大处理。He wrote to me concerning a business arrangement.他就业务安排问题写信给我。He sent an angry letter to the company president.写信给公司总裁表示不满。I've written to the tourist information centre to get some information about the area.我已写信给旅游信息中心以得到有关这一地区的一些资料。And then, you must remember to write me on your arrival.还有,你一定要记住,到达后就写信给我。You can write to him in care of his uncle, Mr Brown.你可以写信给他,由他伯父布朗先生转交。Francis bypassed his manager and wrote straight to the director.弗朗西斯绕过他的经理,直接写信给董事。The clinic doctor will then write to your GP to get his agreement.然后门诊医生将会写信给你的全科医生以取得他的同意。He felt called to write to all his fellow investors, warning them of the impending crisis.他感到有责任写信给所有和他一起投资的人,告诫他们提防即将到来的危机。When you write to him, please send him my very best wishes.写信给他的时候,请向他转达我最美好的祝愿。He wrote her and declared his heart.写信给她,向她表白爱慕之心。She wrote to the Queen asking for a pardon for her son.写信给女王,请求赦免她儿子。He wrote to his father, asking for more money.写信给父亲再要多些钱。She wrote to him secretly.她悄悄写信给他。If anyone were to complain, I should merely tell them to write to the manager.如果有人投诉,我只会告诉他们写信给经理。




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