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词汇 burden
例句 These men at the top had to bear a crushing burden of informed anxiety.这些身居高位的人物不得不承受因了解情况而焦虑不安的千钧重负。We need to get rid of Africa's long-term debt burden, and ease trade and commerce.我们需要解除非洲的长期债务负担,促进商贸。The need to protect the nation places a heavy burden on the shoulders of state leaders.保卫国家是压在国家领导人肩上的重任。Indirect taxes often impose an unfair burden on the poor.间接税收经常使穷人面临过大的负担。She was busy with business matters so we decided not to burden her with our problems.她正忙于公事,所以我们决定不再拿我们的难题去增加她的负担。In sharing this secret you lighten your burden.和别人分享这个秘密可以减轻自己的负担。The government carried out part of its programme by shifting the fiscal burden from direct to indirect taxation.政府通过将财政负担从直接课税转为间接课税来实施其部分方案。His illness placed an intolerable burden on his family.他的病给家庭带来了无法承受的负担。Britain's resulting debt burden was greater than that of the French.英国人因此而来的债务负担超过了法国人。He has the burden of a large family on his shoulders.他肩负着养活一大家子人的重担。I'm sorry to be such a burden on you.很抱歉拖累了你。Many a person straining under the burden of high interest rates in order to provide a shelter is being ripped off.许多为了供房而承受着高利率的压力的人都被狠狠敲了一笔。He has a heavy burden on his shoulders.他肩上的担子很重。Governors carry a special burden of responsibility.州长们肩负着特别重的责任。I fervently hope he recognizes and understands the burden that's on his shoulders.我热诚地希望他能认识到并懂得自己肩负的重任。I need to share my burden with someone.我需要其他人来分担我的重负。His illness has placed a huge financial burden on the family.他的病使这个家庭背上了沉重的经济负担。What complicates the issue is the burden of history.历史的重负使问题复杂化了。This reduces the burden of memorization and helps you learn faster.这样可以减少你的记忆量,帮助你更快的学习。The burden of caring for elderly parents often falls on women.照料年长的父母的责任常落在女性身上。His business empire collapsed under a massive burden of debt.他的商业帝国在巨额债务的压力下垮掉了。The financial burden will be more evenly shared.财政负担将被更加平均地分担。Bookshelves groan under the burden of books on threats to the environment.书架上摆满了有关环境威胁的书,不堪重负。Running the business on my own can be a burden at times.自己做生意有时也是一个负担。I don't wish to burden you with my problems.我不想拿我的困难来麻烦你。The burden of proof falls on the prosecution: the accused is presumed innocent until proved guilty.举证责任在控方:除非被证实有罪,否则就假定被告无罪。We decided not to burden him with the news.我们决定不拿这个消息去烦他。The minister has the burden of explaining why he must raise taxes.部长有责任对为何增税作出解释。The financial burden ought to be borne fair and square by the government.这种财政负担应完全由政府承担。He will always carry a burden of guilt for what happened.他对所发生的一切将永远感到内疚。He believes that middle-class people bear a disproportionate share of the tax burden.他认为中产阶层承担了过重的税负。Adding to the burden are the continuing costs of German reunification.德国重新统一的持续费用加重了负担。This will relieve the burden on hospital staff.这将减轻医护人员的负担。Too much spending on rearmament would place an insupportable burden on the nation's productive capacity.在重整军备上支出过多会给国家的生产能力带来难以承受的负担。The UN warned creditors to ease Brazil's debt burden or see the country go bankrupt.联合国提醒债权国减轻巴西的债务负担,不然他们会眼看着这个国家破产。The tax burden has been falling increasingly on the middle class. 税收负担越来越多地压在中产阶层的头上。Unemployment places a heavy burden on the welfare state.失业给福利国家增加了沉重的负担。The burden of proof lies on the defendant.被告有义务证明自己无罪。He carries the heavy burden of leadership.他承担着领导的重任。The adoption of this policy would relieve the unions of a tremendous burden.采纳这一政策将会减轻工会的沉重负担。




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