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例句 Even a single letter can transform the meaning of the word it precedes.仅仅一个字母就能改变其后单词的意思。He once had a big lead in the campaign, but now the other candidates are nipping at his heels.他在竞选中曾一度遥遥领先,但现在其他候选人正紧跟其后An individual may pass on to future generations its genes for tallness.一个人身高的基因可能会遗传给其后代。Hundreds of people had died there in terrible circumstances during and after the revolution.在革命期间和其后的恶劣形势下,那里有成百上千的人死去。The book is a probing analysis of Pearl Harbor and beyond.这部书对珍珠港事件和其后的事态发展作了深入的分析。The robbers led the police on a high-speed chase.劫匪使警察在其后飞车狂追。Its consequences were historically portentous.其后果具有重大的历史影响。The escaped convicts are heading south, but the police are hot on their heels.那名越狱犯正往南逃,但警方紧追其后He rushed out of the theatre with a pack of reporters at his heels.他冲出剧院,一群记者紧跟其后The troopers followed behind, every muscle tensed for the sudden gunfire.骑兵尾随其后,精神高度紧张以防突袭。Three thousand armed satellites escorted his steps.三千名武装随从紧跟其后He was very ill as a child and was considered delicate thereafter.他幼年多病,其后一向被认为弱不禁风。Brooke was arrested and subsequently sentenced to five years' imprisonment.布鲁克被逮捕,其后被判五年监禁。Later he turned his attention to the desperate state of housing in the province.其后,他将注意力转向了该省形势严峻的住房问题。They reached the border with the police hot on their heels.他们到了边境,警察紧追其后A car raced past us with the police in hot/close pursuit. 一辆汽车从我们身旁疾驰而过,警方紧追其后For the next few days he alternated between hope and fear.其后几天中他时而满怀希望,时而充满恐惧。The proceeds from the auction will be apportioned among the descendents.拍卖收益由其后代分享。The concept was later seen to have explanatory power.这一概念其后被认为具有阐释力。I don't want to make the wrong decision and regret it later.我不想作出错误的决定,其后再来后悔。If they wanted a deal at any price, they would have to face the consequences.如果他们无论如何都想达成交易,他们就得承担其后果。They sped through the American southwest with the law hot on their heels.他们飞车穿越美国西南部,警察紧追其后His failure to back up the computer files had disastrous consequences.他备份计算机文件失败,其后果十分严重。




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