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例句 Their lack of interest in her work hurt her deeply.他们对她的工作缺少关注,这深深地伤害了她。The myth that Japan is not open to concerns from outside has, I think, been demolished at a stroke.关于日本对外界的关注不予理会的谬论,我认为,一下子就被驳倒了。Messiaen focused on various episodes in the life of St Francis, especially his search for spiritual grace.梅西安着重关注圣方济各一生中的种种经历,尤其是他对精神上感受恩典的追求。I am grateful for your notice of my needs.关注我的需求,很感激。To be successful in business, you must keep in touch with the market.要做好生意,就必须时刻关注市场。The story has so far received little play in the press. 到目前为止,这个故事很少受到新闻界的关注A new actress will take centre / center stage in next month's production of 'The Doll's House'.在下个月《玩偶之家》的演出中,一名新女演员将会成为人们关注的焦点。The report draws attention to the appalling conditions in the country's prisons.报告引起人们对该国监狱恶劣状况的关注Any sign of conflict between the two was notable by its absence.双方因没有了任何冲突迹象而备受关注Thomas made plain his concerns about the changes introduced at work.托马斯说明了他对工作中引入的变革的关注Our main concern is to provide quality customer service.我们关注的主要是向顾客提供优质服务。The depth of his concern was obvious.关注之密切是显而易见的。I don't think people in general give much thought to the environment.我认为大多数人不太关注环境。Norma is said to dislike the glare of publicity.据说诺尔玛不喜欢被人过多关注She's uncomfortable being in the spotlight.受到公众的关注,她感到不自在。The entire world must take notice of something like this.全世界一定要关注这样的事情。The incident got blown out of proportion because of media overkill. 这件事由于媒体的过度关注而被无限放大了。The US had serious concerns over the country's poor human rights record.美国对于该国不良的人权纪录极其关注Hopefully, this will give them something new to concentrate and focus on. Everyone would say amen to that.这有望成为他们关注的新焦点。大家对此都会赞同。The allegations attracted a lot of attention when they landed on the Drudge Report site in the morning.这一指控今天早上出现在掘奇密报网站,受到了很大关注The actor avoids drawing attention to himself.那个男演员避免引起别人的关注More than ever before, the food industry is paying attention to young consumers.食品工业比以往任何时候都更加关注年轻消费者。She feels like she only gets her mother's divided attention.她觉得自己只得到了母亲的部分关注My concerns are all general—nothing specific.关注的是总体情况,不是具体细节。Concerns about cruel farming methods converted her to vegetarianism.对于残酷的畜牧方法的关注使她转变成了素食主义者。To my relief, no one showed the slightest interest when I got up to leave.在我起身离开时没人表现出一丁点儿的关注,这让我松了一口气。Watch this space for news updates.敬请关注最新消息。Environmentally-conscious Germans are worried about the pollution the car produces.关注环境的德国人对汽车造成的污染十分担心。The country watched as stocks fell sharply.股票猛跌引起了举国关注We turn now to the British news.我们现在来关注英国新闻。Eldest children are the only ones to experience the undivided attention of their parents.只有最年长的孩子才受到父母的全心关注They want to be on the alert for similar buying opportunities.他们希望及时关注到类似的购买机会。In his concluding remarks, Santos drew attention to the issues facing developing countries.桑托斯在他的结束语中呼吁人们关注发展中国家所面临的问题。He found the media attention intolerable and went to ground for several months.他觉得媒体的关注令他无法忍受,便去躲了几个月。It takes a serious crisis to wake people up.一场严重的危机才能唤起人们的关注These concerns were not adequately addressed in the report.这些问题在报告中没有得到足够的关注The rest of the cast was used to her being the centre of attention.她总是人们关注的焦点,其他演职人员对此已经习以为常。He followed the progress of the match with impatience.他不耐烦地关注着比赛的进展。When people lose interest they just turn off.一旦人们失去兴趣,他们就不再关注Even if I'm overstating the case for nutrition, at least it will result in the woman being in charge of her own symptoms.即便我夸大了营养的重要性,但至少它会让这个女人知道关注自己的症状。




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