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词汇 公布于众
例句 They realized that in the final analysis their job was to tell the public the facts.他们意识到他们的工作归根究底是把事实公布于众The reasons behind his decision were never made public.他作出这一决定的真正原因从来没有公布于众Even after these facts were published, he was unwilling to climb down.即使在这些事实被公布于众之后,他也不愿意认错。They blanked out parts of the document before making it public.他们在将文件公布于众之前,删除了部分内容。He threatened that he would make it public.他威胁说要把这件事公布于众The book enables its author to lay the facts before the public.作者通过本书将事实公布于众The plan was unveiled with the approval from the Minister.经部长同意该计划被公布于众




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