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词汇 全神贯注
例句 The students listened with rapt attention.学生们全神贯注地聆听。Sam stood up and paced the floor, deep in thought.萨姆站起身在屋里踱来踱去,全神贯注地思索着。At the circus the children were all eyes.看马戏表演时孩子们全神贯注The job demands intense concentration.这工作需要全神贯注Carter wrinkled his forehead in concentration.卡特全神贯注,并皱起了眉头。The movie's plot twists and convolutions demand a lot of concentration from the audience.这部电影情节复杂,迂回曲折,观众需要全神贯注As I told the story, my daughter was all ears.我讲故事时,女儿全神贯注地听着。The old gentleman considered him attentively.那老先生全神贯注地打量他。They occupied themselves with the television.他们全神贯注地看电视。You'll solve the problem if you concentrate upon it.如果你全神贯注,你就会解决这个问题。Kennedy immersed himself in the nitty-gritty details of the prosecutions.肯尼迪全神贯注地研究起诉中的种种细节。His absorption in his work was total. 他工作起来全神贯注It's a thrilling movie that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats.这部电影扣人心弦,观众都全神贯注地观看。When he's reading a book he's lost to the world.他看书的时候全神贯注The boy drank in every detail of the story.男孩全神贯注倾听故事的每一个细节。Helen was sitting up in bed, engrossed in a novel.海伦坐在床上全神贯注地看小说。Total concentration is required with no distractions.全神贯注,不能有丝毫分神。I'm concentrating my efforts on writing my autobiography.我正在全神贯注写自传。Immediately you begin to speak, he gives you his full attention.你只要一开始说话,他就会全神贯注地听。The old man was utterly absorbed in the book.老人全神贯注地读这本书。It was an effort to concentrate.要想全神贯注很困难。Keep the brain occupied.保持大脑全神贯注She drew her eyebrows together in a frown of concentration.她紧皱眉头,一副全神贯注的表情。This helps you to be aware of time and concentrates your mind on the immediate task.这有助于你掌握时间,全神贯注于眼前的任务。It is hard to concentrate with Boris scraping away on his violin.鲍里斯拉小提琴发出的刺耳声音让人很难全神贯注The job required her full concentration.这项工作需要她全神贯注They listened with rapt attention.他们全神贯注地听。He was all attention and waited for me to go on.全神贯注地等我说下去。This fascinating game will keep your kids engrossed for hours.这个有趣的游戏会让你的孩子们全神贯注地玩上好几个小时。They were engrossed in conversation.他们在全神贯注地谈话。The children sat rapt as the puppets danced.木偶跳舞时,孩子们全神贯注地坐在那里看。His mannerisms are more those of a preoccupied math professor.他的举手投足更像是一个全神贯注的数学教授。He studied the report with great intensity.全神贯注地研究着报告。But he kept his head down and concentrated on his studies.但是他埋头苦干,全神贯注于他的研究。Eileen was deep in concentration, and the sudden appearance of her daughter startled her.艾琳全神贯注,女儿的突然出现吓了她一跳。At work you need to be able to concentrate.工作时要能全神贯注His operas repay much closer listening than his concertos.他的歌剧远比他的协奏曲更值得听众全神贯注地欣赏。She noticed his look of preoccupation.她注意到了他全神贯注的表情。She was all ears in class.全神贯注地听课。The speaker was full of his subject.演讲人全神贯注于自己的讲题。




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