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词汇 the inside
例句 The door can be locked from the inside or outside.这个门从里从外都可以锁上。He is on the inside of that deal.他知道那笔交易的内幕。All the inside rooms were skylighted.所有里面的房间都装了天窗。He has the inside on what happened at the convention.他了解会议的内情。I gnaw on the inside of my bottom lip, and try to smile.我咬住下嘴唇,强作笑颜。Train doors have handles on the inside. They are stiff so that they cannot be opened accidentally.火车车门内侧有把手。把手都很紧,防止意外开启。An orthodontist took a cast of the inside of Billy's mouth.正畸医生从比利的口腔内部取了模型。He bolted the door on the inside.他在里面把门闩上。The horse came up fast on the inside.这匹马在内圈飞快地赶上来。The price is on the inside cover.价格在内封面上。That car tried to pass me on the inside.那辆汽车试图从道路的内侧超过我。The door bolts on the inside.这门从里面上闩。The emergency blankets are lined with plastic on the outside and paper on the inside.救生毯外面衬塑料,里面衬纸。He pulled a small notebook from the inside pocket of his suit.他从衣服的内袋抽出一本小小的笔记本。Spread the inside of the loaf with olive paste or pesto sauce for extra flavour.在面包里面涂些橄榄酱或香蒜酱会更好吃。I overtook Charlie on the inside.我从慢车道上超了查利。The bank robbers must have had help from someone on the inside. 那帮银行劫匪当时一定有内应协助。Did you get the inside scoop on their divorce?你知道他们离婚的最新内幕吗?The other car overtook me on the inside.另一辆汽车从内车道赶上了我。There is a label on the inside of the box.盒子内侧有个标签。Wipe the inside of the pan with a piece of kitchen roll.用厨房纸巾擦锅的内壁。I had a sore on the inside of my mouth.我嘴里有个溃疡。She is on the inside track to get a promotion.她在晋升方面处于有利地位。He wondered what life was like on the inside.他想知道狱中生活会是如何。Halve the pineapple and scoop out the inside.将菠萝对半切开,挖出里面的果肉。He allowed a fine patina of old coffee to develop around the inside of the mug.他任由咖啡渍在杯子内壁形成一层薄层。All I've seen of Australia is the inside of a hotel room at Sydney airport.我在澳大利亚所看到的就是悉尼机场一个旅馆房间的内部。The outside is green, the inside is blue.外面是绿的,里面是蓝的。McAvoy was convinced he could control things from the inside but he lost control.麦卡沃伊确信自己能从内部控制局面,但他失算了。The left hand wheels are the inside wheels in a turn to the left.向左转弯时左边的车轮即为内侧车轮。When he eventually overtook the last truck he pulled over to the inside lane.他终于超过了最后那辆卡车后便驶回了内车道。The ball smacked against the inside of the post.球撞到了柱子内侧。The door can only be locked from the inside.这扇门只能从里面锁上。He coated the inside of the container with metal foil.他给容器内侧贴上一层金属箔。She dabbed perfume on the inside of her wrist.她在手腕内侧搽了香水。Often the food may be boiling hot on the top, but the inside may still be cold.食物常常是表面滚烫,而里面可能还是凉的。Often the food may be bubbling and boiling hot on the top, but the inside may still be cold.食物常常是表面滚烫,而里面可能还是凉的。I want to see the inside of the house.我想看看房屋的内部。He gave his men the feeling of being really and truly on the inside.他让手下人感到他们确实被当作心腹看待。I painted the inside of the house.我粉刷了一遍房子内部。




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