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词汇 theirs
例句 We compared scores and found that theirs were higher than ours.我们比较了一下得分,发现他们的比我们的要高。His cries mingled with theirs.他的叫喊声与他们的交织在了一起。Your army has numerical superiority over theirs.与他们相比你们的军队占有人数优势。She often gets lumped in with other modern artists even though her work is different from theirs.尽管她的作品与当代艺术品风格迥异,但她还是经常被归入当代艺术家行列。Everyone wants what is theirs by right.人人都想得到理应属于自己的东西。They have got on their high horse. They're insisting on being the lead investigators because theirs was the first case.他们趾高气扬的。因为他们的是首例案件,所以他们坚持要领头调查。Proposed merger of our corporation into theirs is under study.将本公司并入他们公司的建议正在研究中。Now they are returning to claim what was theirs.如今他们回来索取本属于他们的东西。His view eventually prevailed over theirs.他的观点最终战胜了他们的观点。Our house is just as nice as theirs.我们的房子和他们的一样漂亮。Our farm neighbors with theirs.我们的牧场与他们的毗邻。I haven't got my exam results yet, but everyone else has had theirs.我还没拿到考试成绩,但其他人都已经拿到了。I quite like going to weddings, but I don't want to go to theirs.我相当喜欢参加婚礼,但我不想去参加他们的。The gray house on the left will be theirs. 左边那栋灰色房子一定是他们的。She is a close friend of theirs.她是他们的挚友。When our washing machine broke, our neighbours let us use theirs.我们的洗衣机坏了的时候,邻居就让我们用他们的。He would leave the trailer unlocked. If there was something inside someone wanted, it would be theirs for the taking.他不会给那个活动房屋上锁。里面要是有什么别人想要的东西,他们可以尽管拿。Our room is much bigger than theirs.我们的房间比他们的大多了。This child is nobody's child until someone makes her theirs officially.在有人办理正式手续认领以前,这个孩子不属于任何人。Mardas threw his hands in the air - a sign to his supporters that victory was theirs.马达斯挥舞双手,向支持者表示胜利属于他们。That book is theirs.那本书是他们的。A wall divides our garden from theirs.一道墙把我们的花园和他们的隔开。I simply remind them that the choice is theirs.我只是提醒他们,选择权在他们自己手上。I don't know whose laptop it is. Somebody must have left theirs.我不知道这是谁的笔记本电脑,准是有人落下的。They've got a good thing going with that little shop of theirs.他们的那家小店生意做得很红火。Whereas women externalize their worries, men internalize theirs.女性有担忧就表露出来,而男性会藏心事。Our losses are nothing to theirs.我们的损失远不能与他们的相比。We will fight to the bitter end to ensure our children get what is rightfully theirs.我们会斗争到底,确保我们的孩子得到理应属于他们的东西。Someone's drawn a line through my name and written in theirs.有人在我的名字上画了一条线,写上了自己的名字。A line of trees served as a division between our property and theirs.一排树将我们的房产和他们的房产分隔开来。Our apartment is below theirs.我们的公寓在他们的下面。We've kept our end of the deal - let's see if they keep theirs.我们把我们自己份內的事情做好了——看看他们能不能管好自己的事。I will do my part if everybody else does theirs.如果每个人都尽自己的本分,我也会这样。We patterned our road system on theirs.我们的公路系统是照他们的系统设计建造的。It was easy for our team to lick theirs.我们队很容易打败他们队。Ours and theirs are sister schools.我们学校和他们学校是姊妹学校。He bought his car on the same day his parents bought theirs.他和他父母在同一天各自买了车。A friend of theirs phoned to inquire after them.他们的一个朋友打电话来问候他们。Sharon's parents claim that the house is legally theirs.沙伦的父母声称房子是他们的合法财产。They asked a trustworthy friend of theirs to be the executor.他们让一个值得信任的朋友当遗嘱执行人。




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