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词汇 Their
例句 Their older son has graduated, but their younger son is still at school. 他们的大儿子毕业了,但小儿子还在上学。Their lips met and the kiss was soft.他们的嘴唇贴在了一起,吻得很温柔。Their problems are of an economic nature.他们的问题是经济问题。Their troubles have continued to mount.他们的麻烦越来越多。Their new house is largish, but it's not as big as their old one.他们的新房子挺大的,但还是没有原来的房子大。Their arms had not lost their sinew.他们的胳膊一点劲儿都使不上。Their appearance at the meeting declared their willingness to compromise.他们出席会议表明他们愿意妥协。Their first project was accounted a success.他们的第一个项目被认为取得了成功。Their love of life comes in spite of, almost in defiance of, considerable hardship.尽管面临众多的艰难困苦,他们还是几乎义无反顾地表现出了对生活的热爱。Their cruise in the Bahamas was a dream come true.他们梦想成真,去了巴哈马漫游。Their basement has a playroom.他们的地下室有个儿童游戏室。Their casual behaviour just looks arch or patronizing.他们那种随意的做派给人的印象就是高高在上,或者说是屈尊俯就。Their bodily gyrations and contortions fascinated him.他们身体的旋转和扭曲使他看得入迷。Their decision to do nothing makes them culpable.他们不采取任何行动的决定使他们难辞其咎。Their house is expensively furnished.他们把房子布置得很豪华。Their finance ministry is still trying to put a lid on the long-simmering securities scandal.他们的财政部仍在试图遮掩一触即发的证券丑闻。Their taxi pulled up outside the church.他们乘坐的出租车在教堂外面停了下来。Their action would necessitate strong measures.他们的行为可能会迫使人们不得不采取强硬的措施。Their army is militantly nationalist.他们的军队信奉激进的民族主义。Their lawyer said that he would leave no stone unturned in trying to find more evidence.他们的律师说他会尽可能找到更多的证据。Their designs knock spots off anything their rivals can produce.他们的设计远比对手们所做的要好。Their house is set back from the road.他们的房子位于这条路的后面。Their religion is based on a respect for all living things.他们的宗教信仰是建立在对一切生物的尊重的基础上的。Their marriage was annulled.他们的婚姻已宣告无效。Their office is right in the middle of town.他们的办公室就在城中心。Their discovery could herald a cure for some forms of impotence.他们的发现可能预示着为某些类型的阳痿找到了医治方法。Their ménage had shifted to a flat on Ebury Street.他们一家人已经搬到伊波里街的一套公寓里。Their panic intensified, as they heard the gunshots getting closer.他们听见枪炮声越来越近,便越来越感到恐慌。Their action was in breach of Stock Exchange rules.他们的行为违反了证券交易所的规定。Their food is the general run of hotel cooking.他们的饭菜是一般宾馆饭菜的水平。Their music is loud and not very melodic.他们的音乐很响,而且不很悦耳。Their houses face each other across the street.他们的房子隔街相望。Their minds were not unlike.他们的想法并非不同。Their reaction to the news was positive.他们对这个消息的反应是积极的。Their relationship could be stormy at times.他们之间的关系有时也不大稳定。Their already strained relationship was made worse by this incident.这次事件使他们本来已经非常紧张的关系更加恶化。Their plans have solidified.他们的计划更加明确了。Their two children were immigrants to Northern Ireland from Pennsylvania.他们的两个孩子是从宾夕法尼亚州移民到北爱尔兰的。Their heroic exploits will go down in history.他们的英雄业绩将被载入史册。Their plans for opening a restaurant came to grief when they failed to get a loan.他们开餐馆的计划因无法得到贷款而被放弃。




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