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例句 Both parents were found guilty of neglect and their child was taken away from them.父母双方均被判定对其子女未尽照管义务,于是他们的孩子被带走了。Owners are responsible for protecting their property.业主有责任保护自己的财产。They turn on their own kind and peck each other to death.它们开始攻击同类,拼命地互相啄着。As the immigrants became acclimatized to life in America, they abandoned some of their old traditions.移民习惯了美国的生活后就会放弃一些自己的旧传统。The management will have to think seriously about their positions.管理层将不得不认真考虑他们的立场。By a curious coincidence, they bought a house the same day their old one burned down.他们买房的当天,他们的旧房子被烧掉了,这种巧合真是太离奇了。People are spending more of their income on goods such as cars and appliances.人们把收入的更多部分用来购买汽车和电器设备之类的商品。Some of the players were totally overawed by playing their first game at the national stadium.有些选手第一次在国家体育场比赛特别怯场。The union threatened a go-slow if their demands were not met.工会威胁说如果要求得不到满足,他们将进行怠工。Credit investigators would often “zing” their reports with some data.信贷调查人员常用某些数据使他们的报告更具说服力。They dug up their New Jersey garden and moved it lock, stock and barrel to their new home.他们把在新泽西的花园挖了个底朝天,然后将里面的东西一样不落地搬回了家。The Colts, with their "poor" defense, may prove to be the Cinderella team of the playoffs. 防守“糟糕”的小马队可能在季后赛中意外成功。Government troops broke up the protest by firing their guns in the air.政府军朝天鸣枪,驱散抗议的人群。Men never notice anything in a house run by their womenfolk.男人从来不注意家里由女人操持的事情。Over 60,000 Londoners are more than three months in arrears with their mortgage repayments.六万多个伦敦人拖欠抵押贷款还款三个月以上。When it comes to expressing their emotions, some people are hopelessly inarticulate.一些人在表达自己的感情时显得笨嘴拙舌。They've taken their families with them.他们带上了家人。Testing patients without their consent would constitute a professional and legal offence.未经患者同意而对其进行检查被视为违反职业操守并触犯法律。They are quite prepared to kill to achieve their ends.为了达到目的,他们已做好杀人的准备。The company knew that their run of good luck would not last forever.公司明白他们的好运不会长久。Thousands have braved icy rain to demonstrate their support.数千人冒着冰冷的雨前来表示支持。This allows the two cultures to intermingle without losing their separate identities.这使得两种文化互相结合而不失去各自的特性。They have not hesitated in the past to liquidate their rivals.过去他们曾毫不犹豫地铲除对手。This win gives the team a two-point lead over their closest rival.本场获胜使这支队伍比成绩最接近的对手领先了两分。We're very grateful for their help.我们非常感谢他们的帮助。The extra effort involved would go a long way in helping to justify their high price tags.他们的额外付出对证明其高价的合理性是极有帮助的。The team worked hard to achieve their championship victory.这个队努力拼搏,夺得冠军。They decided to roll the dice and start their own business.他们决定碰碰运气,开始自己创业。Ministers should be called to account for their actions.部长们应该对他们的行为作出解释。Many people were uprooted from their homes by the flood.水灾令许多人背井离乡。Supermarkets can help promote healthy eating habits by reducing the amount of sugar and fat in their products.超级市场可以通过减少其产品中的糖分和脂肪来促进人们养成健康的饮食习惯。Liz saw their eyes meet fondly across the table.利兹看到他们隔着桌子深情对视。I wish politicians would tell us the truth, instead of repeating their meaningless prepared answers.我希望政治家们能把真相告诉大家,而不是一遍又一遍地重复那些事先准备好的毫无意义的回答。The goats lunged at each other with their horns.两只山羊互相用角顶对方。Foreign nationals have mainly left the area on the advice of their governments.外国侨民主要是依从他们政府的劝告才离开了这个地区。The alligators build their nests out of grass near the water's edge.短吻鳄在水边用草给自己搭窝。The test drivers put the new models through their paces.试车员负责展示新款汽车的性能。They use a computer system to organize their data.他们利用一个电脑系统整理数据。All eyes directed their rays on the hero.所有人的目光都汇集到那位英雄身上。The children were removed from the family because their father was violent and they were believed to be at risk.孩子们从家中被带走,因为他们的父亲很粗暴,大家都认为他们很危险。




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