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词汇 their family
例句 People who toiled in dim, dank factories were too exhausted to enjoy their family life.在昏暗潮湿的工厂辛苦劳作的人们累得无力再去享受家庭生活。Today Sophie and her sister have healed the family rift and visit their family every weekend.如今索菲和她的姐姐已经和家人和好,每个周末都回家探望他们。At first I felt like an intruder in their family.起初我觉得自己是他们家的不速之客。She could own the income of their family well.她能极好地支配家庭收入。They were hard times and his parents had been struggling to raise their family.那是段艰苦时期,他父母一直艰辛地养家糊口。Many people are now working a fifty or sixty hour week, at the expense of their family life.许多人现在都牺牲家庭生活,一周工作五六十个小时。They were able to return to visit their family in a free Czech Republic.他们能回到自由的捷克共和国探望自己的家人。They treated me like a member of their family.他们待我如家人。Some girls feel that refusing their parents’ choice of husband will bring shame on their family.有些女孩认为,在选择丈夫方面抗拒父母之命会使家庭蒙羞。Both parents work, which adds complications to their family life.父母都工作,这给他们的家庭生活增添了困难。A deep rift had started in their family life.他们的家庭生活出现了深深的裂痕。There has recently been a death in their family.最近他们家里死了一个人。They invited their family and friends to a crab boil on the beach.他们邀请家人和朋友去海滩吃水煮螃蟹宴。It is wrong to differentiate between pupils according to their family background.按家庭出身区别对待学生的做法是错误的。A lot of people take their family to have a picnic on the river bank.许多人都带着全家到河岸上去野餐。The sisters are on summer vacation with their family.姐妹几个在与家人一起度暑假。Sophie and her sister have healed the family rift and visit their family every weekend.索菲和她妹妹已经跟家人和好了,每周末都会回家看看。She and her youngest son were finally allowed to be reunited with their family.她和小儿子终于得到允许和家人团聚。The new baby completed their family.这个新生儿使他们这个家圆满了。It's becoming more and more common for women to keep their family name when they marry.妇女婚后保留姓氏越来越普遍了。




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