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词汇 buckle under
例句 His right leg buckled under him.他右腿一软跪了下去。The professor buckled under the strain of the work.教授因工作过度紧张而身体垮了。The aluminium chair buckled under Charles's weight.那张铝制椅子在查尔斯的体重压力下变了形。A weaker person would have buckled under the weight of criticism.软弱一点的人就会经不住批评而垮下来。The rails buckled under the intense heat of the fire.铁轨在烈火的高温下变了形。He refused to take the medicine but buckled under when the doctor told him to.他拒绝吃药,但医生告诉他要吃药时他屈从了。The pillars began to buckle under the strain.柱子在作用力下开始变形。The government is unlikely to buckle under the protesters' demands.政府未必会对抗议者提出的要求让步。If he yelled and screamed, my parents buckled under and gave him whatever he wanted.如果他大叫大嚷,我父母就会让步,满足他的任何要求。He buckled under the strain of work.他被紧张的工作压垮了。In the end he had to buckle under and admit he was wrong.最后他只得屈服,承认自己错了。He finally buckled under the pressure/strain of his job.工作压力终于把他压垮了。The bridge buckled under the weight of so many lorries.这座桥被多辆大卡车的重量压弯了。But these were difficult times and a lesser man would have buckled under the strain.但当时是困难时期,脆弱的人肯定会被压力压垮。The panels did not buckle under pressure.板条不因受压而变形。The stubborn student finally began to buckle under.那个倔强的学生最后开始屈从了。The Scots would have buckled under that sort of pressure.如果苏格兰人民面临那种压力,他们是会屈服的。




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