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词汇 broker
例句 The President has been trying to broker a peace treaty.总统一直努力促成和平条约的达成。Can-ada's prime minister will be hoping to play honest broker in the row between the United States and Japan.加拿大总理希望能在这一美日争执中扮演不偏不倚的调解人角色。Vincent French is a real estate broker at the sharp end of a tough and exacting business.文森特·弗伦奇在房地产这个艰难行业做了最吃苦受累的不动产经纪人。He was a high-earning broker with money to burn.他是个高收入的经纪人,钱多得花不完。During the war Wallas became a power broker in governmental circles.战争期间华莱士成了政界的权力经纪人。The diplomats have failed in their attempts to broker a ceasefire.外交官们促成停火的尝试已告失败。There is no evidence that the broker was in league with the fraudulent vendor.没有证据表明经纪人与实施诈骗的卖方狼狈为奸。The selling broker is then required to assign a portion of the commission to the buyer broker.卖方经纪人须随后将部分佣金分给买方经纪人。There were complex pyramidal transactions among securities broker-dealers.证券交易人之间进行着非常复杂的金字塔式交易。Don't automatically accept the solicitor recommended by the broker.别想当然地就接受中间人推荐的诉状律师。Canada's prime minister will be hoping to play honest broker in the row between the United States and Japan.加拿大总理希望能在这一美日争端中扮演不偏不倚的调解人角色。Your broker has the right to sell your shares.经纪人有权出售你的股票。He acted as broker between the two opposing sides.他充当了对立双方的中间人。He baited the broker by promises of higher commissions.他答应给更高的佣金来引诱那位经纪人。It was improper of the broker to withhold the information from the stock exchange.经纪人向证券交易所隐瞒信息的行为是不正当的。She's a hotshot broker on Wall Street.她是华尔街一名业绩斐然的经纪人。The couple lost their savings to a con artist who told them he was an investment broker.夫妇俩的积蓄被一个自称投资经纪人的骗子给骗走了。The UN has resumed its efforts to broker peace.联合国已恢复和平斡旋的努力。He used his position to establish himself as a power broker.他利用自己的职位确立了自己政治掮客的地位。I called my broker for advice about investing in the stock market.我给我的经纪人打电话咨询股市投资的问题。Ask advice from an insurance broker.咨询一下保险经纪人。Because we travelled so much, Sam and I asked a broker to act on our behalf.由于我们经常游历在外,我和萨姆便请了一位经纪人代表我们处理事务。Before filing a claim, ask your broker what impact it will have on your insurance policy.在提出索赔之前,要询问经纪人它会对保险单有什么影响。




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