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例句 When Charles De Gaulle died, it seemed like the end of an era.夏尔·戴高乐的去世似乎标志着一个时代的终结。She seemed a bit pissed off that she hadn't been invited.她没有被邀请,似乎有些恼火。Prospects for a quick settlement of the strike appear dim. 快速解决罢工的希望似乎很渺茫。The show seemed on the long side.表演似乎时间有点长。 The cartoon seems out of line with modern sensibilities. 这部卡通片似乎与那些具有现代情怀的人不合拍。Little children all seem fascinated by prehistoric monsters.小孩子似乎都对史前怪物着迷。It seemed proper to pay tribute to her in this way.以这种方式向她表达敬意似乎很得体。He seemed both abashed and secretly delighted at Dan's gift.收到丹的礼物,他似乎是表面上难为情,而心里却乐开了花。She seemed surprised when several people laughed.当一些人大笑时她似乎很惊讶。Some people seem to let their kids do whatever they like.一些人似乎允许自己的孩子随心所欲。Marriage seems to be going out of fashion.婚姻似乎快要过时了。Whatever I say I always seem to get it wrong.无论我说什么,似乎总是说错。His parents seem a rather unlikely couple.他的父母似乎很不般配。This approach seems very sensible to me.在我看来,这个方法似乎很明智。The plane seemed to be flying very low.飞机似乎飞得很低。My work seems to make more and more demands on my time.工作似乎要占用我越来越多的时间。The taps appeared to be made of solid gold.水龙头似乎是用纯金制成的。There appears to be increasing support for the leadership to take a more aggressive stance.似乎有越来越多的人支持领导层采取更加强硬的立场。It seems like new beachfront hotels are going up every week.似乎每星期都有新的海边酒店在建起来。I feel like I'm starving to death.我感到自己似乎快饿死了。She seems more like her former self.似乎回到了以前的样子。She seems content to live with him.似乎很满意与他生活在一起。Her life always seemed full of excitement.她的生活似乎总是充满刺激。He had never been on a boat before, but he walked along the deck as if to the manner born.他以前从来没有坐过船,但他似乎生来就能在甲板上行走自如。Everything in the house seemed old and untouched, like relics of an ancient time.屋里的一切似乎都很古老,没有人动过,就像是古时的遗迹。All attempts at diplomacy have broken down and the two states now appear to be on a collision course.所有的外交努力都失败了,现在两国发生冲突似乎在所难免。The victory celebrations seemed rather flat.庆祝胜利的活动似乎相当平淡。He seems to believe that the president is somehow immune from criticism.似乎相信总统出于某种原因可以免受批评。The economy seems to be stuck in reverse gear. 经济似乎还在倒退。It seemed to him that western civilization was in grave economic and cultural danger.在他看来,西方文明世界似乎陷入了严重的经济和文化危机。Economically, Canada appears to be the developed world's odd man out.加拿大在经济上似乎是发达国家中游离在外的一个。Outwardly this looked like the beginning of a terrific programme but the stage was actually set for a major disaster.表面上,这似乎是开启了一个极棒的项目,但实际上却是为一场大的灾难埋下了伏笔。Her optimism seemed to infect all those around her.她的乐观情绪似乎感染了周围所有的人。It seems that she is nibbling at your suggestions.似乎对你的建议显出有意接受的样子。She seemed slightly distracted, as if something was worrying her.似乎有点儿心不在焉,好像有什么事困扰着她。The chances of settling this dispute through talks seem increasingly slender.通过对话解决这场争端的机会似乎越来越小。Their request seems reasonable/strange.他们的请求似乎很合理/奇怪。She did not seem unduly flustered by Patrick's repeated interruptions.帕特里克的不断插话似乎没有使她乱了方寸。A cup of tea sounds perfect.来杯茶似乎好极了。These people seem to think that reading a few books on old age qualifies them as experts.这些人似乎以为自己读了几本关于老年人的书就可以算作专家了。




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