例句 |
A passerby called the police.一位过路人报了警。A passerby obligingly helped her with her packages.一个过路人热心地帮她提了包裹。An obliging passerby helped her with her packages.一个热心的过路人帮她提了包裹。One eagle-eyed passerby noticed that the window was slightly open.一位观察敏锐的过路人注意到窗户是微微开着的。A passerby alerted the police.一个过路人报了警。She leaned out of the window and hailed a passerby.她探出窗户向一个路人大喊。A passerby saw the accident and stopped to help.一位路人看到了事故并停下来帮忙。 |