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词汇 伤感
例句 He had a wistful look on his face.他的脸上带有伤感的表情。He gazed at her wistfully.伤感地凝视着她。Coming away from New England has sentimentalized us all.离开新英格兰使我们大家都不免伤感She remembers her life as a singer with a certain wistful nostalgia.想起自己当歌手的岁月,她有些伤感He is better known for his lachrymose ballads than hard rock numbers.他的伤感民谣比他的硬摇滚乐更加广为人知。The passage has an elegiac tone.这段文字的格调伤感There was a hint of sadness in her voice.她的声音里有些许的伤感He began recording sentimental favourites.他开始录制最喜爱的几首伤感歌曲。The movie is contrived, sentimental and gratuitously violent.这部电影矫揉造作、故作伤感,还充斥着无谓的暴力镜头。The movie is a weeper about a single mother facing cancer.那是部描述一位罹患癌症的单身母亲的伤感电影。A deep sadness suddenly washed over me.一种深切的伤感突然向我袭来。He was a histrionic exhibitionist and a melancholic.他是一个装腔作势、爱出风头的人,同时也是一个忧郁伤感的人。I'm not in the mood to see a tearjerker. Let's watch something funny instead.我不想看伤感的电影。咱们还是看点儿有趣的吧。He tells me gloomily that he has been called up for army service.伤感地告诉我他已经被征召入伍了。She worked as a torch singer, singing blues ballads in a nightclub.她是唱伤感恋歌的歌手,在一家夜总会唱蓝调民谣。The music is very schmaltzy.这首曲子很伤感Our joy was tinged with sadness.我们的快乐带有一丝伤感Her song was overlaid with sad lyrics and melodic vocals.她的歌曲用词伤感,唱腔优美。This sentimental novel is a hymn to childhood and innocence. 这本伤感的小说是对童年和纯真的赞颂。It's a sappy movie - your husband will hate it.这是一部伤感的电影——你丈夫会很讨厌看的。This music is designed to convey the worst sort of mawkish sentimentality.这个音乐就是想要给人一种令人作呕的伤感It makes me sad to think that the summer is ending.想到夏天即将结束,我不由得伤感起来。They were all weeping over the Dickensian mush.他们对着狄更斯的伤感作品洒泪不止。It was a sad day when we sold our home.我们把房子卖掉的那一天是令人伤感的一天。This painting is typical of Manet's portraits of Morisot - a beautiful woman, gazing sadly out at the viewer.这幅画是马奈典型的摩里索特肖像画—一个漂亮的女人伤感地向外凝视着观赏者。I felt excitement and sadness in equal degree as I waved goodbye to my colleagues.我向同事们挥手告别时,心里半是兴奋,半是伤感I don't like movies with sad endings.我不喜欢结局伤感的电影。I tend to get very sentimental when I think about my childhood.每当想到我的童年,我就会很伤感Leaving New York had been a terrible wrench.离开纽约让人伤感Roy told his sorrowful tale with simple words anybody could understand.罗伊用简单的、人人都能理解的语言讲述了他那个伤感的故事。Kolya, a film from the Czech Republic, is at once extremely funny and sad.捷克共和国的电影《柯利亚》既非常滑稽又十分令人伤感Don't be sad. The moon will become full after it wanes.不要伤感。月缺以后会有满月。Talking about her divorce opened up some old wounds. 提起她的离婚又勾起了她一些过去的伤感That's one of the soppiest stories I've ever heard!那是我所听过的最伤感的故事之一!Just don't come around here with hearts and flowers.可别怀着伤感之情来这儿。It is haunting, melancholy music.这是萦绕心头的、让人伤感的音乐。It's ideal for people who like a sloppy movie.对于喜欢伤感电影的人来说,这部影片再合适不过了。That was such a sad book - I cried buckets at the end of it.那本书太令人伤感了——看完时我哭得像个泪人儿似的。The film was so sad, it made me cry.那部电影很伤感,让我流了泪。He swallowed the sob that welled up inside.他强忍下心中涌起的伤感




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