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例句 He's up before Southampton magistrates on a charge of dangerous driving.他被南安普敦地方治安法官传讯,被控危险驾驶。He was arraigned on a charge of arson.他因被控犯纵火罪被传讯Three admirals and a top Navy civilian will be cited for failing to act on reports of sexual assaults.三位海军上将和一名海军高级文员将被传讯,因为他们在接到性侵犯的举报后没有采取行动。The judge ruled a mistrial and cited the prosecutors for outrageous misconduct.法官裁定为无效审判,并以严重渎职为名传讯了检察官。He was brought up on a charge of causing a disturbance.他以扰乱治安罪被传讯He was arraigned on charges of manslaughter.他因过失杀人罪被传讯She was arraigned in front of a judge and then indicted by a grand jury three weeks later.她被法官庭前传讯,接着三周过后被大陪审团起诉。Campbell was hauled up in front of the magistrate.坎贝尔被传讯到地方法院出庭。The defendant failed to appear for arraignment.被告在传讯时没能出庭。Two managers had been cited for similar infractions.两名经理因为类似的违法行为而受到传讯He was hauled up in court/in front of a judge.他被法庭/地方法官传讯What has Harry been called up by the investigating committee for?哈利为什么被调查委员会传讯?She was hauled before magistrates for refusing to reveal her age to a policeman.她因拒绝告诉警察自己的年龄而被地方法院传讯Her arraignment is scheduled for two weeks from today.从今天起还有两个星期她就要被传讯了。Crowds appeared at the arraignments, clashing with security forces.传讯时,人群和安全部队发生了冲突。The inquest has been largely farcical anyway.不管怎么说,这场传讯基本上是场闹剧。She was cited for reckless driving.她因鲁莽驾驶而被传讯Officers must fill out a questionnaire each time a motorist is stopped, regardless of whether a citation is issued.警察每拦下一名驾驶员,不管是否予以传讯,都必须填写一份调查表。He was arraigned for criminally abetting a traitor.他因怂恿他人叛国而受到传讯The kid's been cited twice on drunk-driving raps.这个年轻人已经两次因为醉酒驾车罪被传讯了。He was hauled up on a charge of dangerous driving.他因危险行车而被传讯He received a summons for speeding.他因超速行驶而被传讯He was bound over for trial.他被传讯出庭受审。He was up before the magistrate for being drunk while driving a car.他因酒醉驾车而被法庭传讯He was hauled up for speeding.他因超速驾驶而被传讯He was brought up before a magistrate, charged with dangerous driving.他因为危险驾驶遭起诉,受到治安法官的传讯




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